Advanced Settings for a Braided Cable Shield Layer

Use advanced settings to specify how the weave angle and optical coverage changes when a braided shield is applied to a cable bundle or coaxial cable.

On the Cables tab, in the Definitions group, click the  Cable Shield icon. The advanced settings are available on the Advanced tab.

Optimisation Method: Maximise the Optical Coverage

The total shield radius is the outermost radius of the shield and is used as a common reference when creating double shields. The total shield radius is used to look up the weave angle and optical coverage for a specific shield size in the stretching table.

Figure 1. Illustration of a single layered shield.
The maximum and minimum stretching radius of the shield is indicated by the top and bottom entry in the Total shield radius column (outer radius of the shield).

Figure 2. The Maximise optical coverage method for the stretching of a braided shield layer.

The weave angle and optical coverage range displayed in the stretching table is dependent on the following weave definition limits.

For the optical coverage definition method:

  • The optimal weave angle is in the range of 20° to 70°.
  • The optical coverage is limited from the minimum optical coverage defined to 100%.

For the weave angle definition method:

  • The optimal weave angle is between the deviation (+/-) limits from the nominal weave angle defined for the inner layer.
  • The optical coverage is limited to a range of 60% to 100%.

Optimisation Method: Specify Manually

Specify the Total shield radius and Inner layer Weave angle manually to define the stretching of the shield.

Figure 3. The Specify manually method for the stretching of a braided shield layer.
  • Total shield radius must be between the minimum radius (first row, first cell) and maximum radius (last row, first cell).
  • The Inner layer Weave angle values must be between the minimum angle (first row, second cell) and maximum angle (last row, second cell).
  • The Inner layer Optical coverage is calculated automatically from the Inner layer Weave angle and Total shield radius.
  • Table rows can only be added between the first row and last row.