XML File Format for Importing Media
View the .xml file format that describes the medium properties of a dielectric, metal or impedance sheet.
- Define the frequency independent (static) properties for the medium using keywords.
- Define the frequency dependent properties for the medium using keywords.
Keywords for the .xml file
Use the following keywords to define the medium:
- Dielectric
- freq, permittivity, diel_loss_tangent, mag_loss_tangent, conductivity, permeability.
- Metal
- freq, conductivity, permeability, mag_loss_tangent.
- Impedance sheet
- freq, surf_imp_re, sur_imp_im
Example of an .xml file
The following is an example of an .xml file that describes a medium with frequency independent (static) values as well as measured frequency independent values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <materialDB creator="Altair Feko" date="2017-06-29" version="1.0"> <material name="mediumA" val_B="7.0" val_C="9.0" > <dataPoint freq="2.0" val_A="2.0" val_B="6.0" /> <dataPoint freq="3.0" val_A="3.0" /> <dataPoint freq="4.0" val_A="1.0" /> <dataPoint freq="5.0" val_B="5.0" /> <dataPoint freq="6.0" val_A="1.0" /> <dataPoint freq="8.0" val_B="6.0" /> <dataPoint freq="9.0" val_A="4.0" /> </material> </materialDB
<material name="mediumA" val_B="7.0" val_C="9.0" >
<dataPoint freq="2.0" val_A="2.0" val_B="6.0" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <materialDB creator="Altair Feko" date="2017-06-29" version="1.0"> <material name="mediumA" > <dataPoint freq="2.0" val_A="2.0" val_B="6.0" val_C="9.0" /> <dataPoint freq="3.0" val_A="3.0" val_B="7.0" val_C="9.0" /> <dataPoint freq="4.0" val_A="1.0" val_B="7.0" val_C="9.0" /> <dataPoint freq="5.0" val_B="5.0" val_C="9.0" /> <dataPoint freq="6.0" val_A="1.0" val_B="7.0" val_C="9.0" /> <dataPoint freq="8.0" val_B="6.0" val_C="9.0" /> <dataPoint freq="9.0" val_A="4.0" val_B="7.0" val_C="9.0" /> </material> </materialDB>
Figure 1. An illustration showing the result of the parsed XML file.