Combine multiple geometry parts into a single part and to ensure mesh connectivity
once the geometry is meshed.
Note: Geometry parts that touch or intersect, but that are not unioned, will not be
physically connected in the simulation mesh (except for FDTD where unioning is not
Unconnected geometry results in invalid meshes (overlapping or
misaligned) that could generate errors during the
solution. Unioning geometry ensures that faces occupying the same space are merged into
a single face where solution settings can be applied.
In some cases it could happen that a union of geometry parts fails. First use the
Simplify (repair operation) tool on the primitive parts before attempting the
union again.
Note: In some cases it could appear that a union of faces from imported geometry form
closed regions, but do not result in new regions (details tree). The stitch tool
would be better suited in this case.