Defining Windscreen Elements on a Curved Work Surface

Define curved parameterised windscreen antenna elements on a specified work surface by using surface lines, surface Bézier curves or an array of linearly spaced lines.

Figure 1. A preview of regular spaced surface lines (in green) on a curved work surface.
  1. Create a line in the curved work space.
    1. On the Windscreen tab, in the Create Surface Curve group, click the  Surface Line icon.

    2. Specify the Start corner point, End point and Work surface.
    3. Click Create to create the surface line and close the dialog.
  2. Create a surface Bézier curve in the curved workspace.
    1. On the Windscreen tab, in the Create Surface Curve group, click the  Surface Bézier Curve icon.

    2. Specify the Start point, Start tangent point, End tangent point, End point and Work surface.
    3. Click Create to create the surface Bézier curve and close the dialog.
  3. Create an array of linearly-spaced lines in the curved workspace.
    1. On the Windscreen tab, in the Create Surface Curve group, click the  Surface Regular Lines icon.

    2. Specify the Constant parameter, Start corner point, End corner point, Spacing and the Work surface.
    3. Click Create to create the regular spaced surface lines and close the dialog.