
model HeatingDiode "Simple diode with heating port"
    extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort;

    parameter SI.Current Ids = 1e-6 "Saturation current";
    parameter Real Maxexp(final min = Modelica.Constants.small) = 15 "Max. exponent for linear continuation";
    parameter SI.Resistance R = 1e+8 "Parallel ohmic resistance";
    parameter Real EG = 1.11 "Activation energy";
    parameter Real N = 1 "Emission coefficient";
    parameter SI.Temperature TNOM = 300.15 "Parameter measurement temperature";
    parameter Real XTI = 3 "Temperature exponent of saturation current";

    extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.ConditionalHeatPort(useHeatPort = true);

    SI.Voltage vt_t "Temperature voltage";
    SI.Current id "Diode current";
    SI.Temperature htemp "Auxiliary temperature";
    Real aux;
    Real auxp;
    assert(0 < T_heatPort, "Temperature must be positive");
    i = id * pow(htemp / TNOM, XTI / N) * auxp + v / R;
    LossPower = i * v;
    aux = (htemp / TNOM - 1) * EG / (N * vt_t);
    auxp = exp(aux);
    htemp = T_heatPort;
    id = Ids * (exlin(v / (N * vt_t), Maxexp) - 1);
    vt_t = k * htemp / q;

    annotation (
        defaultComponentName = "diode",
            info = "<html>\n<p>\nThe simple diode is an electrical one port, where a heat port is added, which is\ndefined in the Modelica.Thermal library. It consists of the diode itself and an parallel ohmic\nresistance <em>R</em>. The diode formula is:\n</p>\n<pre>\n                v/vt_t\n  i  =  ids ( e        - 1).\n\n</pre>\nwhere vt_t depends on the temperature of the heat port:\n<pre>\n  vt_t = k*temp/q\n</pre>\n<p>\nIf the exponent <em>v/vt_t</em> reaches the limit <em>maxex</em>, the diode characteristic is linearly\ncontinued to avoid overflow.<br>\nThe thermal power is calculated by <em>i*v</em>.\n</p>\n</html>",
            revisions = "<html>\n<ul>\n<li><em> March 11, 2009   </em>\n       by Christoph Clauss<br> conditional heat port added<br>\n       </li>\n<li><em>April 5, 2004   </em>\n       by Christoph Clauss<br> implemented<br>\n       </li>\n</ul>\n</html>"),
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end HeatingDiode;