
record SynchronousMachineData "Computes machine parameter from usual datasheet"
    import Modelica.Constants.pi;

    extends Modelica.Icons.Record;

    parameter Modelica.SIunits.ApparentPower SNominal(start = 30000) "Nominal apparent power";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Voltage VsNominal(start = 100) "Nominal stator voltage per phase";
    final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IsNominal = SNominal / (3 * VsNominal) "Nominal stator current per phase";
    final parameter Modelica.SIunits.Impedance ZReference = VsNominal / IsNominal "Reference impedance";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Frequency fsNominal(start = 50) "Nominal stator frequency";
    final parameter Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity omega = 2 * pi * fsNominal "Nominal angular frequency";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Current IeOpenCircuit(start = 10) "Open circuit excitation current @ nominal voltage and frequency";
    parameter Real effectiveStatorTurns = 1 "Effective number of stator turns";
    final parameter Real turnsRatio = sqrt(2) * VsNominal / (omega * Lmd * IeOpenCircuit) "Stator current / excitation current";
    parameter Real x0(start = 0.1) "Stator stray inductance per phase (approximately zero impedance) [pu]";
    parameter Real xd(start = 1.6) "Synchronous reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]";
    parameter Real xq(start = 1.6) "Synchronous reactance per phase, q-axis [pu]";
    parameter Real xdTransient(start = 0.1375) "Transient reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]";
    parameter Real xdSubtransient(start = 0.121428571) "Subtransient reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]";
    parameter Real xqSubtransient(start = 0.148387097) "Subtransient reactance per phase, q-axis [pu]";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Ta(start = 0.014171268) "Armature time constant";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Td0Transient(start = 0.261177343) "Open circuit field time constant Td0'";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Td0Subtransient(start = 0.006963029) "Open circuit subtransient time constant Td0'', d-axis";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Time Tq0Subtransient(start = 0.123345081) "Open circuit subtransient time constant Tq0'', q-axis";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TsSpecification(start = 293.15) "Specification temperature of stator resistance"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TsRef(start = 293.15) "Reference temperature of stator resistance"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Machines.Thermal.LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 alpha20s(start = 0) "Temperature coefficient of stator resistance at 20 degC"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TrSpecification(start = 293.15) "Specification temperature of (optional) damper cage"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TrRef(start = 293.15) "Reference temperature of damper resistances in d- and q-axis"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Machines.Thermal.LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 alpha20r(start = 0) "Temperature coefficient of damper resistances in d- and q-axis"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TeSpecification(start = 293.15) "Specification excitation temperature"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Temperature TeRef(start = 293.15) "Reference temperature of excitation resistance"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    parameter Machines.Thermal.LinearTemperatureCoefficient20 alpha20e(start = 0) "Temperature coefficient of excitation resistance"
        annotation (Dialog(tab = "Material"));
    final parameter Real xmd = xd - x0 "Main field reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]";
    final parameter Real xmq = xq - x0 "Main field reactance per phase, q-axis [pu]";
    final parameter Real xe = xmd ^ 2 / (xd - xdTransient) "Excitation reactance [pu]";
    final parameter Real xrd = xmd ^ 2 / (xdTransient - xdSubtransient) * (1 - xmd / xe) ^ 2 + xmd ^ 2 / xe "Damper reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]";
    final parameter Real xrq = xmq ^ 2 / (xq - xqSubtransient) "Damper reactance per phase, d-axis [pu]";
    final parameter Real rs = 2 / (xdSubtransient ^ (-1) + xqSubtransient ^ (-1)) / (omega * Ta) "Stator resistance per phase at specification temperature [pu]";
    final parameter Real rrd = (xrd - xmd ^ 2 / xe) / (omega * Td0Subtransient) "Damper resistance per phase at specification temperature, d-axis [pu]";
    final parameter Real rrq = xrq / (omega * Tq0Subtransient) "Damper resistance per phase at specification temperature, q-axis [pu]";
    final parameter Real re = xe / (omega * Td0Transient) "Excitation resistance per phase at specification temperature [pu]";
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rs = Machines.Thermal.convertResistance(rs * ZReference, TsSpecification, alpha20s, TsRef) "Stator resistance per phase at TRef"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lssigma = x0 * ZReference / omega "Stator stray inductance per phase"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lmd = xmd * ZReference / omega "Main field inductance per phase in d-axis"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lmq = xmq * ZReference / omega "Main field inductance per phase in q-axis"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lrsigmad = (xrd - xmd) * ZReference / omega "Damper stray inductance in d-axis"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Inductance Lrsigmaq = (xrq - xmq) * ZReference / omega "Damper stray inductance in q-axis"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rrd = Machines.Thermal.convertResistance(rrd * ZReference, TrSpecification, alpha20r, TrRef) "Damper resistance in d-axis at TRef"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Rrq = Machines.Thermal.convertResistance(rrq * ZReference, TrSpecification, alpha20r, TrRef) "Damper resistance in q-axis at TRef"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Modelica.SIunits.Resistance Re = 1.5 * turnsRatio ^ 2 * Machines.Thermal.convertResistance(re * ZReference, TeSpecification, alpha20e, TeRef) "Excitation resistance at TRef"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));
    parameter Real sigmae = 1 - xmd / xe "Stray fraction of total excitation inductance"
        annotation (Dialog(
            tab = "Result",
            enable = false));

    annotation (
        defaultComponentName = "smeeData",
        defaultComponentPrefixes = "parameter",
        Documentation(info = "<html>\n<p>The parameters of the\n<a href=\"modelica://Modelica.Electrical.Machines.BasicMachines.SynchronousInductionMachines.SM_ElectricalExcited\">\nsynchronous machine model with electrical excitation (and damper)</a> are calculated from parameters\nnormally given in a technical description, according to the standard EN&nbsp;60034-4:2008&nbsp;Appendix&nbsp;C.</p>\n</html>"));
end SynchronousMachineData;