Advanced Settings for Near Field Requests
Use advanced settings to specify the currents taken into account for the calculation of fields or potentials, the export of near field data and ignoring radiated contributions from impressed sources.
On the Request tab, in the
Solution Requests group, click the Near Fields icon. The advanced settings are available on the Scope tab and
Advanced tab.
Specify the Currents Taken Into Account During Field Calculation
- Field calculation using all sources
- With this option, the currents on all structures are taken into account when calculating the near field result.
- Field calculation using only sources on elements with specified labels
- With this option, only the currents on structures with specified labels are taken into account when calculating the near field result.
Calculate Fields or Potential
- Fields
- This option calculates the actual near field components and are stored in the .out. The electric component and / or the magnetic field component can be included.
- Potentials
- This option allows a single potential type to be included in the near
field request.
- Electric vector potential
- Electric scalar potential
- Gradient of the scalar electric potential
- Magnetic vector potential
- Magnetic scalar potential
- Gradient of the scalar magnetic potential
Export Near Field Data (Fields and Potential)
- Export fields to ASCII file (*.efe, *.hfe)
- This option exports the electric fields to a .efe file and the magnetic fields to a .hfe file.
- Export fields to *.out file
- This option exports the electric fields / potentials and the magnetic fields / potentials to the .out file.
- Export fields to SEMCAD *.dat file
- This option export the electric fields / potentials and the magnetic fields / potentials to the .dat file.
- Export fields to SPARK3D *.fse file
- This option exports the electric fields / potentials and magnetic fields /
potentials calculated at the vertices and edge mid-points of the tetrahedra
to a .fse file. Tip: Only valid if the Tetrahedral mesh option was selected (Position tab).
Ignore Radiated Contribution from Impressed Sources
- Calculate only the scattered part of the field
- This option ignores the radiated contribution from impressed sources (for
example electric point sources and magnetic point sources), yielding only
the scattered fields.Note: The default setting is recommended.