Use the Create Polylines tool to draw polylines for
geometry construction and to generate meaningful snap locations to be used by other
New lines are organized in the same component as the entity where the first end point
is placed.
- Optional:
On the guide bar, click
to define controlled line
This creates controlled lines between locations with the possibility of
reducing the number of joints and locations that fall outside the path
Left-click on geometry or in space to select control points for the
A preview of the line along with a
displays as you select or provide control points.
Tip: When selecting
nodes from the mesh, by default, the selection type is "by path". You can
switch the type to "by list" by holding Ctrl while selecting nodes.
Use the microdialog to control the following:
- The line type: Linear or Smooth lines can be created
- Closed polyline: This defines whether the first and last node/location
in the list should be linked to form a closed line loop.
- Modify polyline: Control points can be selected and moved using the
Move tool.
Tip: Add control points
to a line and then modify their location with this option. Using this
approach, existing lines can be converted to polylines.
Edit Start and End slopes: Start and end point slopes can be modified
using the Vector tool. If set to normal, this
end point is normal to the specified vector. This option does not work
for closed line loops or linear lines.
Double-click on a polyline to edit it.
On the guide bar, click one of the following:
- Apply and stay in the tool
- Apply and close the tool
- Exit the tool without applying