Extract Points and Nodes
Use the Extract Points/Nodes tool to interpolate and divide an edge or line, and find the center of an arc, fillet, or multiple curve segments.
- From the drop-down menu below the tool, select whether to work with points or nodes.
Extract points/nodes in the following ways:
Option Description Interpolate Points/Nodes - Click on a line.
- In the microdialog, enter the number of
points/nodes to extract and press Enter.
New points are organized in the same component as their source line.
Tip:- Re-interpolate the number of points/nodes on the selected line by entering a new value in the microdialog and pressing Enter.
- When interpolating from multiple lines, the same number of points/nodes will be created on each line and distributed evenly along their respective source line’s length.
- When interpolating from a closed loop, the start and end points/nodes are the same, but separate points/nodes will be created at each location. To divide a circle into four equal lines, interpolate five points/nodes.
Find Curve Center - Click on an arc.
- In the microdialog, click .Note: When calculating the curve center of multiple lines, a single point/node is created at the best matching curve center of the combined lines.