Exercise 1: Import and Edit a Feko Mesh
In this step you will import and edit the Feko user profile.
- In HyperMesh, click Preferences > User Profiles and select the Feko profile.
Click Import Solver Deck (
Click Open Model (
) and browse to select the .fhm file.
The .fhm file containing the Feko mesh elements (along with an automatically generated INC file containing the material data) can be exported from CADFEKO. -
Click Import.
Each of the mesh elements associated with each CADFEKO Label (representing a Wire, Face or Region) will import as a separate Component. CADFEKO media definitions will import as Materials. Properties that associate each material with a component will be generated.
- Modify and edit the mesh elements, materials, and properties as required.
Click Export Solver Deck (
A new INC file is created automatically. -
Click Import and import the .fhm file into CADFEKO (or EDITFEKO).
If an INC file with the same name is available, it is imported automatically.