This block can be used to call an external function provided by a dynamic library (a .dll or .so file)
This block allows to make a call to an external function provided by a dynamic library (a .dll file or a .so file). The external function arguments must be pointers to numbers (floating types and integer types), and the function should not return any value. The description of the function arguments and the way they are associated with block ports are specified by an OML object created as follows
A cell containing one string used to load the dynamic library by a call to dlopen or LoadLibrary.
The name of the external function to call.
A cell. Each item of the cell describes an argument of the function to
call. The items are in the same order as the arguments of the
function to call. Each item is a struct containing the following
lnk: which could have two different types:
a string - it will represent the value of the argument. To
retrieve that value the string will be evaluated using the OML eval. The
special variables following are added to the environment
before calling eval: each input will be represented by a variable
named in* (in1 for the first, in2 for the second, etc.)
and each output by out* (out1 for the first, etc.). Only the sizes of
these variables are known.
a cell containing string(s) - each string could be 'w', 'i*' (i1, i2
etc.) or 'o*' (o1, o2 etc.).
For example, i1 means the value of the first block input will be used
for the corresponding argument
o2 means that the value of that argument will be the second
output of the block
w means that the value will be buffered
an argument could be linked to at most one input, and at most
one output
The following combinations are authorized:
o: the output of the block will be passed to the function
i: the input of the block will be passed to the function, so
theoretically the function should not modify that argument
io: the input will be copied into the output and the output
will be passed to the function
w: a work, it will be allocated and passed to the function
wi: a work, it will be allocated, and the value of the
corresponding input will be copied inside before calling the function
type: the type code using Activate convention: 1 for double, 3 for
int32, 4 for int16, 5 for int8, 6 for uint32, 7 for uint16 and 8
for uint8
size: the size of the arguments (a vector of size 1x2). If a size is
not know or dynamic, the missing dimension can be specified as a
negative integer. Those integers represent variable that are shared
by all the items in the cell. Example, if the first argument has
size [-1,-2] and the second argument has size [-2,-1] then
they have conjugate sizes.
Currently, only C is supported, so it must be a string equal to 'C'.
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
nin | Number of input ports | Number | ||
nout | Number of output ports | Number | ||
externalActivation | External activation | Number | 0 | |
funcObj | Function: an instance of the class OMLExternalFunc |
Name | Type | Description | IO Type | Number |
Port 1 | explicit | input | nin | |
Port 2 | explicit | output | nout | |
Port 3 | activation | input | externalActivation |