In this tutorial, you will gain an understanding of the basic concepts for creating a solver input file by using a
template. More specifically, you will learn how to define loading conditions on a model, specify solver specific controls,
and submit an input file to a solver from HyperMesh.
The purpose of using a finite element (FE) pre-processor is to create a model that can be run by a solver. HyperMesh interfaces with many FE solvers and all of them have unique input file formats. HyperMesh has a unique template(s) for each solver it supports. A template contains solver specific formatting instructions,
which HyperMesh uses to create an input file for that solver.
In FEA, beams are typically modeled as 1D elements. In this tutorial you will become familiar with the modeling of
beam sections for 1D elements (beam, bar, and rod) in HyperMesh. The focus is on obtaining and assigning beam-section properties, not on creating beam elements themselves.
In this tutorial, you will experiment with the export of the loads applied to geometry entities. Therefore, you will
need to have a template loaded. In this step, load the OptiStruct user profile and retrieve the c-channel model. By loading the OptiStruct user profile, the template will be automatically loaded.
Many FEA solvers allow you to organize your input deck into separate files, and provide a mechanism to read all files
linked to a single input deck. This capability is commonly known as "includes."
Learn how to perform a DOE study using HyperStudy and the HyperStudy Job Launcher within HyperMesh. HyperMorph is used to parameterize the shape of the design.
Browsers supply a great deal of view-related functionality by listing the parts of a model in a tabular and/or tree-based
format, and providing controls inside the table that allow you to alter the display of model parts.
Perform automatic checks on CAD models, and identify potential issues with geometry that may slow down the meshing
process using the Verification and Comparison tools.
Learn about HyperMesh analysis procedures in these
HM-4000: Set Up Load Conditions
In this tutorial, you will gain an understanding of the basic concepts for creating a solver input file by using a template. More specifically, you will learn how to define loading conditions on a model, specify solver specific controls, and submit an input file to a solver from HyperMesh.
HM-4010: Format Model for Analysis
The purpose of using a finite element (FE) pre-processor is to create a model that can be run by a solver. HyperMesh interfaces with many FE solvers and all of them have unique input file formats. HyperMesh has a unique template(s) for each solver it supports. A template contains solver specific formatting instructions, which HyperMesh uses to create an input file for that solver.
HM-4020: Assign Properties Using HyperBeam
In FEA, beams are typically modeled as 1D elements. In this tutorial you will become familiar with the modeling of beam sections for 1D elements (beam, bar, and rod) in HyperMesh. The focus is on obtaining and assigning beam-section properties, not on creating beam elements themselves.
HM-4030: Define Composites
In this tutorial, you will learn the modeling procedure for typical composite model builds.
HM-4040: Work with Loads on Geometry
In this tutorial, you will experiment with the export of the loads applied to geometry entities. Therefore, you will need to have a template loaded. In this step, load the OptiStruct user profile and retrieve the c-channel model. By loading the OptiStruct user profile, the template will be automatically loaded.
HM-4060: Work with Include Files
Many FEA solvers allow you to organize your input deck into separate files, and provide a mechanism to read all files linked to a single input deck. This capability is commonly known as "includes."