Utility/Data Access SubroutineDATOUT is a utility subroutine that creates all requested output files after a simulation is performed by ANALYS. The specific files that are generated depend on the options chosen in the ResOutput command in the MotionSolve XML input file.
- Fortran Calling Syntax
- C/C++ Calling Syntax
- c_datout (int* istat);
- Python Calling Syntax
- istat = py_datout()
- MATLAB Calling Syntax
- istat = m_datout()
- istat
- Integer
def consub (par, npar):
#Purpose of the CONSUB
#This CONSUB performs 2 simulations:
# 1. gravity = 1g (surface of Earth)
# 2. gravity = 0.38g (surface of Mars)
# Behavior on Earth
istat = py_datout()
status = py_analys ("TRANSIENT", "Simulation on Earth", 0.0, 1.0, 1)
# Behavior on Mars
command = "ACCGRAV/IGRAV=0, JGRAV=0, KGRAV=-3.72742"
istat = py_modify (command)
istat = py_datout()
status = py_analys ("TRANSIENT", "Simulation on Mars", 1.0, 2.0, 1)
return status
- DATOUT may only be called from a CONSUB.
- When coupled with other functions that allow you to modify the model and perform analyses, this is an extremely powerful capability to create higher level analysis functions.
- DATOUT should be invoked before an analysis is performed.
- Avoid two successive calls to DATOUT without an intervening call to ANALYS. You will obtain duplicate output if you do so.