MDL FunctionComputes a new point that resides between the given points.
The distance between the new point and the first point satisfies the following relationship: (p_new – p_1)/(p_2-p_1) = ratio
point = loc_between(first_point, end_point, dist_ratio)
Input Arguments
- first_point
- Point that defines the start of the line.
- end_point
- Point that defines the end of the line.
- dist_ratio
- Distance ratio used to compute the new point.
Return Value
- point
- The point that satisfies the requirement.
# Compute the point whose cooridnates is (0,3,0)
point = loc_between(
first_point = Point(0,0,0),
end_point = Point(0,10,0),
dist_ratio = 0.3,