Around an operating point
one can write the Taylor’s series
The quantity
is called the first order sensitivity of the
quantity y to the input u.
Sensitivity analysis is the study of how the change or uncertainty in the output of a
mathematical model or system (y) can be apportioned to different sources of
change or uncertainty in its inputs (u).
For Design Sensitivity Analysis, the quantity (u) is the design b. Here
we are asking the question: How does the response y change for a given change
in the design b.
In a multibody simulation, the response
is typically a function of the system states
, and, perhaps, explicitly on the design b.
The system states
consist of (a) Displacements, (b) Velocities, (c)
Lagrange Multipliers (or constraint reaction forces), (d) User defined differential
equations, (e) User defined algebraic equations originating from Variables and
LSE/GSE/TFSISO outputs, and, (f) Internally created intermediate states that
simplify computation.
In mathematical terms:
The equations of motion provide an implicit relationship between (x and
b) and (
and (x, b)). The quantities
need to be computed first. Once these are known, the
design sensitivity,
, can be computed.
The calculation of
is called Design Sensitivity Analysis (DSA) in
MotionSolve. This is a new analysis method in MotionSolve. It always accompanies a regular analysis, such as static
analysis, quasi-static analysis, kinematic analysis or dynamic analysis.
The job of the regular analysis is to compute the states x, ẋ and the
outputs y for a given design b.
Once these are known, the DSA analysis will compute the sensitivity,
. When there are Ny responses and
Nb design variables,
is a matrix of dimension Ny x
There are three well-known methods for computing design sensitivity: Finite
Differencing, Direct Differentiation, and Adjoint Approach.