id |
Int() |
Unique identification number. |
label |
Str() |
Descriptor of the gear set element. |
rm |
Reference("Marker", required=True) |
The reference marker of the gear set element. This marker
points to the center of sun and ring gear. Defines the
orientation of the gear (z axis of the reference marker is the
gear’s axial axis). |
rm_2 |
Reference("Marker") |
The reference marker of the first planet gear. This Marker
needs to have the same orientation of the z-axis with the rm
(axial direction), and its origin must be on the plane that is
defined from the z axis of the rm (Inplane to the z axis of rm).
The operating center distance is calculated from the two
reference markers and is used as an input for the gear set (see
comment 11). |
module |
Double(required=True) |
The normal module of the gear. |
number_of_planets |
Int(3) |
The number of planets of the gear set. Ensure that no planet
interference occurs (see comment 11). |
num_of_teeth_1 |
Int(required=True) |
The number of teeth on the sun gear (see comment 12). |
num_of_teeth_2 |
Int(required=True) |
The number of teeth on gear 2 (see comment 12). |
num_of_teeth_3 |
Int(required=True) |
The number of teeth on gear 2 (see comment 12). |
gear_ratio |
Double(required=True) |
The gear ratio between the ring and sun gear
(see comment 13). |
pressure_angle |
Double(required=True) |
The normal pressure angle in degrees. |
helix_angle |
Double(required=True) |
The helix angle at the pitch diameter in degrees. |
width_1 |
Double(required=True) |
The width of the sun gear. |
width_2 |
Double(required=True) |
The width of the planet gear. |
width_3 |
Double(required=True) |
The width of the ring gear. |
addendum_coefficient |
Double(1.0) |
The basic rack addendum coefficient. |
dedendum_coefficient |
Double(1.25) |
The basic rack dedendum coefficient. |
tool_tip_radius_coefficient |
Double(0.38) |
The basic rack tool tip radius coefficient. |
hub_diameter_1 |
Double(0.0) |
The inner diameter of the sun gear. |
hub_diameter_2 |
Double(0.0) |
The inner diameter of the planet gear. |
hub_diameter_3 |
Double(0.0) |
The outer diameter of the ring gear. |
x1 |
Double(0.0) |
The profile shift coefficient of the sun gear (see comment
6). |
x2 |
Double(0.0) |
The profile shift coefficient of planet gear (see comment
6). |
x3 |
Double(0.0) |
The profile shift coefficient of the ring gear. |
j1 |
Double(0.04) |
The circumferential backlash ratio of the sun gear. The range
must be 0.03 – 0.05 (see comment 2). |
j2 |
Double(0.04) |
The circumferential backlash ratio of the planet gear. The
range must be 0.03 – 0.05 (see comment 2). |
j3 |
Double(0.04) |
The circumferential backlash ratio of the ring gear. The
range must be 0.03 – 0.05 (see comment 2). |
g1_connection_part |
Reference(“Part", required=True) |
The part that is connected to the sun gear with a fixed
joint. |
g3_connection_part |
Reference(“Part", required=True) |
The part that is connected to the ring gear with a fixed
joint. |
carrier_part |
Reference(“Part", required=True) |
The part that the planet gears are connected to with a
revolute joint constraint. |
num_curve_segments |
Int(10) |
The number of mesh segments along the involute profile of
each gear. When using a non-uniform mesh, this parameter is
always an even number (the profile is split into two symmetric
regions). |
num_width_segments |
Int(20) |
The number of mesh segments along the width of each
gear. |
non_uniform_factor |
Double(1.2) |
Defines the factor of the mesh’s non-uniformity. The length
of a triamesh element is equal to the previous element length
times this factor. Use 1.0 for a uniform mesh. |
density |
Double() |
The density of the gear's material (see comment 4). |
contact_creation |
Bool(True) |
Activates an IMPACT contact between the two gears (see Contact IMPACT). |
contact_stiffness |
Double(1e5) |
Specifies the stiffness parameter of the gear's contact (see
Contact IMPACT
stiffness). |
contact_exponent |
Double(2.1) |
Specifies the exponent of the force deformation
characteristic of the gear's contact (see Contact IMPACT
exponent). |
contact_damping |
Double(1.0) |
Specifies the maximum damping coefficient that is to be used
for generating a damping force on the gear's contact (see Contact IMPACT
damping). |
contact_dmax |
Double(0.1) |
Specifies the penetration at which full damping is applied in
the gear's contact (see see Contact
IMPACT dmax). |
contact_coulomb_friction |
Enum("ON OFF DYNAMICS_ONLY", default="OFF") |
Specifies the friction force model that is used to compute
the gear's contact friction force (see Contact
IMPACTcoulomb_friction). |
contact_mu_static |
Double(0.2) |
Defines the coefficient of static friction in the gear's
contact when the friction is in the static regime (see Contact IMPACT
mu_static). |
contact_mu_dynamic |
Double(0.1) |
Defines the coefficient of the dynamic friction in the gear's
contact when the friction is in the dynamic regime (see Contact IMPACT
mu_dynamic). |
contact_stiction_transition_velocity |
Double(1.0) |
Defines the slip velocity at which the static coefficient of
friction, mu_static, is applied (see Contact IMPACT mu_
stiction_transition_velocity). |
contact_friction_transition_velocity |
Double(1.5) |
Defines the slip velocity at which the dynamic coefficient of
friction, mu_dynamic, is applied (see Contact IMPACT
mu_stiction_transition_velocity). |
export_graphic |
Bool(False) |
Exports the gears' geometries to two
*.stl files. These files can be
re-meshed in HyperMesh. |
export_parameters |
Bool(False) |
Exports the calculated gear set and gear's parameters in a
*.json file. |