Model ElementSlope2Deviation
Class Name
Slope2Deviation computes the following value:
. y(numerator)
and x(denominator) are defined by a valid
MotionSolve expression and calculated at time
, where
is the target value of slope.
Attribute Summary
Name |
Property |
Modifiable by
Command? |
Designable |
label |
Str () |
numerator |
Function () |
Yes |
denominator |
Function () |
Yes |
time |
Double () |
delta |
Double () |
interval |
Double () |
targetValue |
Double () |
scale |
Double (1) |
# Slope2Deviation computes the square of the difference of slope wrt to a targetvalue
Slope2Deviation(numerator=’DZ(1,2)’, denominator=’DY(1,2)’, time=5, delta=0.1,
Mandatory attributes
- numerator
- Function
- Valid MotionSolve expression defining the
- It will be calculated at t1 and
t2 before computing the slope,
where t1 = time – delta and
t2 = time + delta.
- denominator
- Function
- Valid MotionSolve expression defining the
- It will be calculated at t1 and
t2 before computing the slope,
where t1 = time – delta and
t2 = time + delta.
- time
- Double
- Instant at which the slope is calculated.
- The numerator and denominator will
be calculated at t1 and
t2 to compute the variation,
where t1 = time – delta and
t2 = time + delta.
- delta
- Double
- The perturbation step for the variation of numerator
and denominator.
- The numerator and denominator will
be calculated at t1 and
t2 to compute the variation,
where t1 = time – delta and
t2 = time + delta.
- targetValue
- Double
- Desired value of the slope.
Optional attribute
- label
- String
- Specifies the name of the Slope2Deviation
- This attribute is optional. When not specified, MotionSolve creates a label for you.
- scale
- Double
- Specifies the scale factor to scale the
Slope2Deviation value. If not specified, it
defaults to 1.0.
- This attribute is optional.
# Compute the deviation of the slope of TOE vs. DZ curve at design position (T=5)
# from a desired value of -4°
slope2 = Slope2 (
label = "TOE/DZ ",
numerator = "1000*YAW(30701025,30701024)*RTOD",
denominator = "DZ(30701024,30701025,10701021)",
time = 5.0,
delta = 0.1,
targetValue = -4,