Force: Two Body Scalar
Command ElementModifies a Force_Scalar_TwoBody force element.
id = "integer"
i_marker_id = "integer"
j_marker_id = "integer"
is_action_only = "boolean"
val = "real"
| val_expression = "motionsolve_expression"
| usrsub_dll_name = "valid_path_name"
usrsub_param_name = "USER([[par_1[,...][,par_n]])
usrsub_fnc_name = "fnc_name"
- id
- Element identification number, (integer>0).
- i_marker_id
- The ID of I marker.
- j_marker_id
- The ID of J marker.
- is_action_only
- A Boolean variable. Select from "TRUE" and "FALSE".
- val
- Modifies the magnitude of a constant valued force.
- val_expression
- Modifies the magnitude of the force vector as a function expression in the XML input file.
- usrsub_param_name
- The list of parameters that are passed from the data file to the user defined subroutine, specified by usersub_fnc_name.
- usrsub_dll_name
- Modifies the path and name of the DLL or shared library containing the user subroutine. MotionSolve uses this information to load the user subroutine in the DLL at run time.
- usrsub_fnc_name
- Specifies an alternative name for the user subroutine SFOSUB.
id = "30101"
type = "Force"
val_expression = "2"
id = "30101"
type = "Torque"
val = "2"