I/O Options EntryUsed to alter system settings. Any setting defined here may be over-ridden by command line arguments (Run Options). Most of these options can also be specified in one of the config files (Configuration File).
SYSSETTING(setting=option_list,setting=option_list, ...)
Setting | Options | Description |
AXEGORD | <0, 1> | Element grid numbering for axisymmetric elements.
BUFFSIZE | BUFFSIZE = 65537 | The maximum size in 8 byte words of the records of data written to
the .op2 file.
CARDLENGTH | <Integer> Default = 80 |
Defines the number of characters read on a single line in the I/O
Options and Subcase Information Entry sections. This can vary
between 80 and 132 characters. In the Bulk Data Entry section, CARDLENGTH applies to free and long free format lines only (fixed and long format lines are always limited to 72 characters). |
CORE | <IN, OUT, MIN> | This is same as the -core run option, but allows
control from the input file.
DUPGRTOL | <Real> No default |
Controls the elimination of potential duplicate GRID entries based on the distance between the grids. If GRID points with the same ID are closer than the specified distance (DUPGRTOL), they are considered to be equivalent. If GRID points with the same ID are farther than the specified distance, OptiStruct errors out. |
DUPTOL | Integer <0-5> | Controls accuracy used during elimination of potential duplicate
cards. Two cards with identical ID's are replaced by the first one,
if all integer values on both cards match exactly, and all float
values match with accuracy controlled by this setting, otherwise
identical IDs are flagged as ERROR. Currently only
GRID, CORDxx, and base
MAT/PROP entry duplicates are allowed
(MATX, MATT, and
PROPX entries do not allow duplicates).
If values are too large or too small to represent without exponent, both values must match exactly when converted to 8-character form. Also, for negative values, the accuracy is one digit lower. |
ECHOFMT | <FIXED,LONG, FREE8,FREE12, FREE16,AUTO> | Used to determine the ECHO formatting option for
ECHO results. Formatting options on the
ECHO entry are disabled as of OptiStruct 14.0.
ELEMENTID | <UNIQUE, ALLOWFIX> | Controls the numbering scheme of scalar elements
Entries) and PLOTEL elements.
ELMERRCMF | <YES, NO> | Controls output of elements failing quality checks to the
HM.elcheck.cmf file.
FDOFLERR | <YES, NO> | Controls if loads on free degrees-of-freedom will error out.
GPFMPC | <BOTH, FMPC, SEPAR> | Controls the handling of Grid Point Force contribution from MPCs
and rigid elements (RBEx,
RROD, RSPLIN and so on) in the
.gpf file.
F-MPC printing in the .gpf file is the total grid point force value of all the MPC and rigid body elements in the .gpf file, meaning F-MPC is the sum of MPC and rigid element contributions. |
NO> Default = NO |
Appends the version of the H3D format used, onto the
.h3d file output by OptiStruct. So the results file would be {filename}.h3d11 or {filename}.h3d12. Note: It is not possible to select the H3D format used for output;
this is built into the executable.
HOSTMEM | <YES, NO, blank> | This setting is available for MPI runs.
-hostmem yes or
starting from OptiStruct 2021.1
(prior to this release, the default behavior was consistent with
-hostmem no or
YES) in conjunction with
EIGRL-based Inertia Relief will be activated for
all static subcases with SPC’s in the model. Note: For subcases
without SPC’s, if the number of degrees of freedom is equal to
6, the constraint-based method will be used. If number of
degrees of freedom is more than 6, then no inertia relief is
M2ONLYFKM | <ALLOW, NO> Default = NO |
set to ALLOW, the MSS1 field on
the MATFAT entry will interpreted as the
MSS2 value which is used for FKM mean stress
correction. Note: If this setting is set to ALLOW,
the MSS2, MSS3,
MSS4 fields should be
MAT9ORT | <NU31, NU13> |
MAXLEN | <Integer> | Used to define the maximum allowable amount of memory to be used in
MB. There is no default. MAXLEN is not
supported when the MUMPS solver is used (including
MAXRATIO | <value,
option> Value: <Real> Option: ERROR, WARN Default = No default for value, but ERROR is the default if a value is specified and option field is blank. |
Defines the maximum allowed value of the ratio of terms on the
diagonal of the stiffness matrix to the corresponding diagonal terms
of the triangular factor matrix during decomposition. If the value of the ratio exceeds that specified on the value field, then OptiStruct will terminate the run with an error (ERROR) or issue a warning (WARN), depending on the value of the Option field. For additional information, refer to the Comments in PARAM,MAXRATIO. |
MESHNLPTB | <0, 1, 2> | H3D output flag for Nonlinear Static (NLSTAT) preloaded linear
If the value of MESHNLPTB is outside the allowable range (other than 0, 1, or 2), an ERROR is issued both in the .out file and the hwsolver.mesg file. |
MINLEN | <Integer> | Used to define the initial memory allocation in MB. The default is
10% of OS_RAM . This is the same as the legacy
command, OS_RAM_INIT . |
MULTIPLEOUTPUT | <YES, NO> | This option can be used to request multiple formats of the same
output request.
In the below example, YES allows von Mises
stress output for all the elements in the model and at the same
allows full ‘tensor’ output only to a SET of elements.
NPROC (legacy command: CPU) |
<Integer> Default =1 |
Same as -nproc and -cpu options
(Run Options for OptiStruct). Sets
number of processors in a multiprocessor (SMP) run. |
OS_RAM | <RAM in
Mbytes> Default = 8 GB |
Memory limit in Mb. The solver will attempt to run at least the minimum core solution regardless of the memory limit. Refer to Memory Handling in the User Guide for details. |
PBUSHFORM | <PEN, LAG> | The PBUSHFORM setting controls the formulation
CBUSH elements.
RAM_SAFETY | <Real> Default = 1.0 |
Same as -rsf option. (Run Options for OptiStruct). |
Mbytes> Default = See Comment 5 |
Specifies an area in RAM allocated to store information which otherwise would be stored in scratch files on the hard drive. |
RESVEC6 | <ON, OFF> | Controls the generation of extra global residual vectors for
Component Mode Synthesis (CMSMETH):
Note: Not supported for runs with AMLS or AMSES
SAVEFILE | <OUT, NONE, ALL, ext> | Controls the behavior of the solver when an output file with the
same name already exists when the program starts.
SCRFMODE | Primary options:
UNBUFFER, STRIPE Secondary option: MIXFCIO Default =
Allows for the selection of different modes of storing scratch
files for a linear solver process (especially for out-of-core and
minimum-core modes).
To detect disallowed use of potential expansion of free format, error will be generated when 10 or more data fields is found on a Bulk Data card in free format. Use SKIP10FIELD=WARN to allow reading such card (extra fields will be disregarded instead of causing error). |
SPSYNTAX | <STRICT, CHECK, MIXED> | Controls how strict the checks are in the reader for mixing GRIDs
and SPOINTs.
SRCHDCLR | <YES, NO> | Controls whether SRCHDIS is to be considered for
contact definition in the presence of CLEARANCE.
SYNTAX | <ALLOWINT, STRICT> | Controls how strict the syntax checker in the reader is.
Note: This setting never changes results - it can
only cause the rejection of files that do not follow the
TABSTOPS | TABSTOPS = 8 | Allows you to change interpretation of TAB character in the input. By default, TAB stops are spaced by 8 columns, which is standard on all Unix/ Linux terminals. Possible values are 4 (used often on Windows) and 1 (replace each TAB with exactly one space). |
1, 2> Note: The
default value of this setting is 0, if it is
not included in input file.
Controls the setting of subcase-specific temperature-dependent
material in structural linear static analysis.
TLOADMAT is ignored for Nonlinear Static Analysis.
UNREFSID | <WARN, ERROR> | Controls OptiStruct behavior for
missing NSGE, NSM,
MPC, SPC Bulk Data Entries
(if the corresponding control cards are present). Note: This setting
works only for the above, mentioned Bulk Data Entries.
UPDATE | <quiet, verbose,
strict, off,
unique, permissive> Defaults = quiet and strict |
Controls the behavior of
Choose only one option from: quiet or verbose. Choose only one option from: strict, off, unique, or permissive. |
2 | TEMP(LOAD/BOTH) | No Thermal Load |
- The number of fields in this card is not limited to 10, but it is limited by the current line length (default 80).
- Continuation lines are not allowed, multiple SYSSETTING cards are allowed.
- The settings CPU and NPROC are interchangeable and can also be specified on the command line.
- Each option except SCRFMODE must have exactly one argument. SCRFMODE arguments should be comma separated.
- For RAMDISK setting:
- Use of a virtual disk instead of physical files may speed up solutions by reducing wait time to access physical disk drives. The use of RAMDISK will reduce the amount of memory available for the solver and for file buffering performed by the operating system (by Linux or Windows), and because of that it may not always reduce the wall clock time for the solution. The most impact can be observed on machines with very large physical memory (20GB or more) or when used to speed-up main solver scratch file access using the SCRFMODE setting.
- RAMDISK is automatically protected for overflow, so it is fine to specify 200MB for RAMDISK when the total amount of scratch files will be larger than that.
- RAMDISK is automatically specified for very small
jobs, (less than 10,000 GRIDS). This can be disabled by specifying
RAMDISK=0. Automatic
RAMDISK is not allocated for fixed RAM jobs (the
command line option is used, see Run Options for OptiStruct).
- For SPSYNTAX setting:
- When the component from a grid/component pair or for a list of grids (as on alternate formats ASET1 and USET1 Bulk Data Entries) is greater than 1, the grid reference must always be a structural grid (GRID).
- This control may also be set in the OptiStruct Configuration file.
- SYSSETTING (SPSYNTAX=mixed) is automatically enforced, if DMIG data is present in the model.
- For SCRFMODE setting:
- This command controls the way scratch files from the linear equation solver are written to the disk. These files are usually written and read several times, often in random pattern, and this can have a significant impact on the total (wall clock) time for the solution of large jobs. The default mode is optimal in most configurations, but choosing between BASIC, BUFFERED or UNBUFFER may improve speed for some hardware and/or some types of solution sequences, especially jobs including Lanczos eigenvalue solver.
- In out-of-core and minimum-core solver modes, the solver creates one large scratch file for each subcase and this file may be optionally located across multiple TMPDIRs. In order to use this capability, SCRFMODE=STRIPE must be defined, otherwise the same method as for other files (BASIC, BUFFERED or UNBUFFER) is used, and this large file must therefore fit on a single TMPDIR.
- STRIPE mode can be used when all
TMPDIRs (not marked as SLOW) are
fully independent (that is, they should not be partitions on the same
physical drive). This mode results in the access to all disks similar to
RAID0 - consecutive blocks of data are split
between separate TMPDIRs, and accessed in parallel,
which can speed up disk access considerably.Warning: Using STRIPE with TMPDIRs allocated on the same physical drive (even on different partitions) will usually slow down the solution by increasing wait times. Check with your system administrator for information on the actual hardware structure of your computer.
- STRIPE requires multiple TMPDIR cards and has effect only for out-of-core or minimum-core solutions.
- Most modern operating systems (Linux in particular) use excess available RAM for the buffering of disk i/o. The SCRFMODE command will have effect only for jobs which exceed the capabilities of this buffer.
- When AMSES is used on Windows, BASIC mode is enforced during AMSES calculations.
- The
option can be specified on the command line (see Run Options) - this overrides any information specified in the input file.
- The SAVEFILE option
tries to preserve only files in the start directory, that is, this option has no
effect when the input file is specified with a path, or the
OUTFILE option defines a different location for all output
files. Unless SAVEFILE,NONE is specified,
standard .out and .stat files are always
renumbered, even if they are created in different folder. All files are renumbered
at program start - .out file is preserved first, and then the
same NNN is used for all files found in the current folder. Only files with default
names are preserved (that is those starting with the same root as outfile).
Note: This option may sometimes cause the solver to fail if it renames the file which is intended for the input.
- Multiple SAVEFILE cards overwrite each other (the last one is in effect). Multiple SAVEFILE,ext cards can be used (up to 5 extensions can be defined), but using of any of the standard options (NONE/ALL/OUT) empties the list of previously defined extensions.
- Example CQUAXI
element grid numbering.
AXEGORD Corner Grid Points Edge Grid Points C1 C2 C3 C4 E1 E2 E3 E4 0 G1 G3 G5 G7 G2 G4 G6 G8 1 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8