The fluid-structure interaction and the fluid flow are studied in cases of a fuel tank sloshing and overturning. A
bi-phase liquid-gas material with an ALE formulation is used to define the interaction between water and air in the
fuel tank.
The purpose of this example is to study the energy propagation and the momentum transfer through several bodies, initially
in contact with each other, subjected to multiple impact. The process of collision and the energetic behavior upon
impact are described using a 3-dimensional mode.
The impact and rebound between balls on a small billiard table is studied. This example deals with the problem of
defining interfaces and transmitting momentum between the balls.
After a quasi-static pre-loading using gravity, a dummy cyclist rides along a plane, then jumps down onto a lower
plane. Sensors are used to simulate the scenario in terms of time.
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the use of quadratic interface contact using two gears in contact with
identical pitch diameter and straight teeth. Two different contact interfaces are compared.
The problem of a dummy positioning on the seat before a crash analysis is the quasi-static loading which can be resolved
by either Radioss explicit or Radioss implicit solvers.
The crashing of a box beam against a rigid wall is a typical and famous example of simulation in dynamic transient
problems. The purpose for this example is to study the mesh influence on simulation results when several kinds of
shell elements are used.
A square plane subjected to in-plane and out-of-plane static loading is a simple element test. It allows you to highlight
element formulation for elastic and elasto-plastic cases. The under-integrated quadrilateral shells are compared with
the fully-integrated BATOZ shells. The triangles are also studied.
The modeling of a camshaft, which takes the engine's rotary motion and translates it into linear motion for operating
the intake and exhaust valves, is studied.
The ditching of an object into a pool of water is studied using ALE and SPH approaches. The simulation results are
compared to the experimental data and to the analytical results.
A rubber ring resting on a flat rigid surface is pushed down by a circular roller to produce self-contact on the inside
surface of the ring. Then the roller is simultaneously rolled and translated so that crushed ring rolls along the
flat surface.
Separate the whole model into main domain and sub-domain and solve each one with its own timestep. The new Multi-Domain
Single Input Format makes the sub-domain part definition with the /SUBDOMAIN keyword.
The aim of this example is to introduce /INIVOL for initial volume fractions of different materials in multi-material ALE elements, /SURF/PLANE for infinite plane, and fluid structure interaction (FSI) with a Lagrange container.
A heat source moved on one plate. Heat exchanged between a heatsource and a plate through contact, also between a
plate and theatmosphere (water) through convective flux.
Impacts of rotating structures usually happen while the structure is rotating at a steady state. When the structure is
rotating at very high speeds, it is necessary to include the centrifugal force field acting on the structure to correctly
account for the initial stresses in the structure due to rotation.
The purpose of this example is to model and predict the responses of very high strain
rates on a material during impact.
High strain rate characterization of 7010 aluminum alloy using Split-Hopkinson
pressure bar experiment.
Precise data for high strain rate materials is necessary to enable the accurate
modeling of high-speed impacts. The high strain rate characterization of materials
is usually performed using the Split-Hopkinson pressure bar within the strain rate
range 100-10000 s-1. It is assumed that during the experiment the
specimen deforms under uniaxial stress, the bar specimen interfaces remain planar at
all times, and the stress equilibrium in the specimen is achieved using travel
times. The Radioss explicit finite element code is used
to investigate these assumptions.
Options and Keywords Used
Units used: g mm s MPa
/QUAD: 2D solid elements defined in the global YZ – plane
/ANALY: Defines the type of analysis and sets analysis flags
/MAT/LAW1 (ELAST): Isotropic, linear elastic
material using Hooke's law
/MAT/LAW2 (PLAS_JOHNS): Isotropic elasto-plastic
material using the Johnson-Cook material model
Low extremity nodes of the output bar are fixed in the Z direction. The axisymmetric
condition on the revolutionary symmetry axis requires the blocking of the Y
translation and X rotation.
The projectile is modeled using a steel cylinder with a fixed velocity in the
direction Z. The required strain rate is considered by applying two imposed
velocities, 1.7 ms-1 and 5.8 ms-1 in order to produce strain
rates in the ranges of 80 s-1 and 900 s-1 (low and high
True Stress, True Strain and True Strain
Rate Measurement from Time History
In the experiment, the strain gauge is attached to the specimen. In
simulation, the true strain will be determined from 9040 and 6 nodes’ relative Z
displacements (= 3.83638 mm).
The true stress can be given
using two data sources. The first methodology consists of using the equation
previously presented, based on the assumption of the one-dimensional propagation
of bar-specimen forces. The engineering strain associated with the output stress wave is
obtained from the Z displacement of nodes located on the output bar. The true
plastic strain is extracted from the quads on the specimen, saved in the Time Histories file. True stress can also be
measured directly from the Time History using the average of the Z stress quads
6243, 6244, 6224 and 6235. It should be noted that the section option is not
available for quad elements.
The strain rate can be calculated from either
the true plastic strain of quads saved in /TH/QUAD or
from the true strain .
Table 1. Relations Used in the Analysis
Rate Testing
Z stress average
from quads saved in /TH
True strain
Input Files
Before you begin, copy the file(s) used in this example to
your working directory.
The purpose of this example is to model and predict the responses of very high strain
rates on a material during impact.
The Split-Hopkinson pressure bar is a suitable method to perform experiments with
high strain rates.
Figure 3 shows the principal test setup, consisting
an incident bar and a
transmission bar of equal length, between which the sample to be tested is
a striker is attached
to the outer end of the incident bar. When a steel projectile hits the
striker, a stress pulse is introduced into the incident bar.
The impact generates a strain (tensile) wave which propagates through (along) the
Incident bar and is detected by strain gauge 1. Part of the wave is reflected, and a
part is transmitted via the specimen’s interface. So, the stress pulse continues
through the specimen and into the transmitted bar. Strain gauges 1 and 2 are
attached to the incident bar and transmission bar to detect the strain wave signal.
The wave reflections inside the sample enable the stress to be homogenized during
the test. The strain associated with the output or transmitted stress wave is
measured by the strain gauges on the output or transmitted bar. The strain gauges
attached to the specimen gauge length provide direct measuring of the true strain
and the true plastic strain in the specimen during the experiment. The transmitted
elastic wave provides a direct force measurement to the bar specimen interfaces by
way of the following relation.
Modulus of the output bar.
Strain associated with the output stress wave.
Cross-section of the output bar.
If the two bars remain elastic and wave dispersion is ignored, then the measured
stress pulses can be assumed to be the same as those acting on the specimen.
The engineering stress value in the specimen can be determined by the wave analysis,
using the transmitted wave:(2)
Engineering stress can also be found by averaging out the force applied by the
incident that is the reflected and transmitted wave, as shown in the
Strains associated with input stress wave.
Strain associated with output stress wave.
True stress in the specimen is computed using the following relation (refer to Example 11 - Tensile
Test for further details):(4)
The true strain rate is given by:(5)
True stress and true strain are evaluated up to the failure point.
Interface 1
Interface 2
Balance in specimen
Engineering stress in specimen
Strain Rate Filtering
Because of the dynamic load, strain rates cause high frequency vibrations which are
not physical. Thus, the stress-strain curve may appear noisy. The strain rate
filtering option enables to dampen such oscillations by removing the high frequency
vibrations in order to obtain smooth results. A cut-off frequency for strain rate
filtering Fcut = 30 kHz was used in this example. Refer to RD-E: 1100 Tensile Test for further details.
Johnson-Cook Model
The Johnson-Cook model describes the stress in relation to the plastic strain and the strain rate
using the following equation:(6)
Strain rate.
Reference strain rate.
Plastic strain (true strain).
Yield stress.
Hardening parameter.
Hardening exponent.
Strain rate coefficient.
The two optional inputs, strain rate coefficient and reference strain rate, must be defined for
each material in /MAT/LAW2 in order to take account of the strain
rate effect on stress, that is the increase in stress when increasing the strain
rate. The constants , and define the shape of the strain-stress curve.
In the documents entitled CRAHVI, G4RD-CT-2000-00395, D.1.1.1, Material Tests –
Tensile properties of Aluminum Alloys 7010T7651 and AU4G Over a
Range of Strain Rates, the behavior of the 7010 aluminum alloy can be
described according to the relations:
Strain rates below 80 s-1
Strain rates exceeding 80 s-1 up to 3000 s-1
The material properties of the specimen are:
Material Properties
Young's modulus
Poisson's ratio
The material used for the bars and projectile is TYPE1 (linear elastic) with the following
Material Properties
Young's modulus
Poisson's ratio
The geometrical characteristics of the bars and projectile are:
4 m
12 mm
12 mm
170 g
Model Method
Considering the geometry’s revolution symmetry the material and the kinematic
conditions, an axisymmetric model is used (N2D3D =
1 in /ANALY set up in the Starter
file). Y is the radial direction and Z is the axis of revolution.
The mesh is made of 12054 2D solid elements (quads). The quad dimension is about 2
The purpose of the test is to obtain results at high deformation rates. In this model
the Johnson-Cook type material law is used. The increase of stress is expected to be
approximately 30% above the stress compared to the quasi-static deformation
Experimental Data
Experimental results show that the variation of the true tensile flow stress compared
with the true strain is approximately equivalent to a strain rate between 80
s-1 and 100 s-1. The reference strain, in the Johnson-Cook model is set to 0.08
ms-1 (correspond to 80 s-1, which represents the
quasi-static deformation rate. At higher deformation rates, the true flow stress
increases significantly with increasing strain rates. The 7010 aluminum alloy
exhibits an increase in the flow stress by a typical value of 30% at high strain
rates (900 s-1 – 3000 s-1) compared to the quasi-static
Results are given at the specific true strains of 0.02, 0.05 and 0.10. The influence
of the strain rate on the stress can be seen in Figure 8. 1
For the test performed with a strain rate of 900 s-1, the flow stress
reaches 850 at a 0.25 strain.
Table 2. True Stress at Specific Strains using Both Strain Rates (experimental
Strain Rate: 80 s-1
Strain Rate: 900 s-1
True plastic
True stress
Johnson-Cook Model
Figure 9 shows the variation of true stress in time in relation to the
wave propagation along the bars. Stresses are evaluated on the input bar, the
specimen and the transmission bar.
The stress-time curve shows the incident, reflected and transmitted
The speed of wave, along the bars is calculated using the
Young's modulus.
Density of the bars.
The time step element is controlled by the smallest element located in
the specimen. It is set at 5x10-5 ms. The stress wave thus reaches the
specimen in 0.77 ms and travels 0.26 mm along the bar for each time step. Obviously,
it remains lower than the element length of the smallest dimension (0.88
An imposed velocity of 5.8 ms-1 produces a strain rate in the
specimen of approximately 900 s-1, while a strain rate of approximately
80 s-1 is achieved using an imposed velocity of 1.7 ms-1. A
simulation is performed for each velocity value.
Note: The study on low rates is
more limited in time than on high rates due to the reflected wave generated on
top of the output bar.
Figure 13 shows the true stress and true strain as a function of the
strain rate.
At a high strain rate (900/s), an increase in the flow stress is
observed, being approximately 30% higher than the stress obtained for a low strain
rate (80/s). The Johnson-Cook model used provides precise results compared with the
experimental data.
The true stresses determined from both methodologies are shown
side-by-side. This validates the analysis based on a transmitted wave. Typical
curves for a model having imposed velocities equal to 5.8 ms-1 (Figure 15 and Figure 16).
Either data sources used to evaluate the strain rate give similar
The results show:
the strain rate effect on stress, with or without the cut-off frequency for
smoothing (100 kHz);
the influence of the strain rate coefficient (comparison with experimental
These studies are performed for the high strain rate model ( = 900 s-1).
Figure 19 compares the distribution of the von Mises stress on the
specimen, with and without the strain rate filtering at time t=0.88 ms.
More physical flow stress distribution is obtained using filtering.
Explicit is an element-by-element method, while the local treatment of temporal
oscillations puts spatial oscillations into the mesh.
G4RD-CT-2000-00395, D.1.1.1, Material Tests - Tensile properties of Aluminum Alloys
7010T7651 and AU4G Over a Range of Strain Rates.