Block Format Keyword This law describes the visco-elastic foam tabulated material. This material law can be used only with solid elements.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
/MAT/LAW70/mat_ID/unit_ID or /MAT/FOAM_TAB/mat_ID/unit_ID | |||||||||
mat_title | |||||||||
E0 | v | Emax | Itens | ||||||
Fcut | Fsmooth | NL | NuL | Iflag | Shape | Hys |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
fct_IDL | FscaleL |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
fct_IDuL | FscaleuL |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
fct_IDT | FscaleT |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
mat_ID | Material identifier (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
unit_ID | Unit Identifier (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
mat_title | Material title (Character, maximum 100 characters) |
Initial density (Real) |
E0 | Initial Young's modulus. 3 (Real) |
v | Poisson's ratio. (Real) |
Emax | Maximum Young's modulus. 3
(Real) |
Reference strain value for the maximum
Young's modulus usage. Default = 1 (Real) |
Itens | Flag to activate different behavior
between tensile and compression.
(Integer) |
Fcut | Cutoff frequency for strain rate
filtering. Default = 1030 (Real) |
Fsmooth | Smooth strain rate option flag.
(Integer) |
NL | Number of loading functions. 2 (Integer) |
NuL | Number of unloading functions. 2 (Integer) |
Iflag | Flag to control the unloading response.
(Integer) |
Shape | Shape factor. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
Hys | Hysteresis unloading factor. Default = 1.0 (Real) |
fct_IDL | Load function (in compression)
identifier. The first function must define the strain rate. (Integer) |
Strain rate for load
function. (Real) |
FscaleL | Load function scale
factor. (Real) |
fct_IDuL | Unload function (in compression)
identifier. The first function must define the strain rate. (Integer) |
Strain rate for unload
function. (Real) |
FscaleuL | Unload function scale
factor. (Real) |
fct_IDT | Scale factor function between tensile
and compression according strain. (Integer) |
FscaleT | Ordinate scale. (Real) |
Example (Foam)
unit for mat
kg mm ms
# EO NU E_max EPS_max Itens
.01 0 10 .8 0
# F_cut F_smooth N_L N_ul Iflag Shape Hys
.1 1 4 0 4 2 1E-20
# fctID_L Eps_._L Fscale_L
1 0 .001
2 .01 .0015
3 .1 .002
3 1 .003
# X Y
0 0
.03 .002
.04 .003
.14 .005
.46 .008
.63 .01
.82 .07
.83 .08
.93 1.4
.94 2.0
.95 3.0
.96 6
.97 10
.98 35
.99 300
# X Y
0 0
.03 .002
.04 .003
.14 .005
.46 .008
.63 .01
.82 .07
.83 .08
.93 1.4
.94 2.0
.95 3.0
.96 6
.97 10
.98 35
.99 300
# X Y
0 0
.03 .002
.04 .003
.14 .005
.46 .008
.63 .01
.82 .07
.83 .08
.93 1.4
.94 2.0
.95 3.0
.96 6
.97 10
.98 35
.99 300
- This material is available for the
following parameters in the solid property:For Hexas:
Element Isolid Ismstr Iframe Hexa 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 11 1 1 11 2 17 11 1 17 11 2 14 11 N/A 18 11 2 24 11 2 Choice of formulation depends on particular load case. The best value Isolid, Ismstr and Iframe of form (refer to /DEF_SOLID). When hourglass appears, then fully-integrated solid elements with Isolid=14, Ismstr=11 or Isolid= 17, Ismstr= 11, Iframe= 1 or 2 can be used.
For Tetras:Element Isolid Ismstr Iframe Tetra 1 1 1 1 11 1 - Flag to control the unloading
response Iflag.
- If Iflag = 0, then NL and NuL must be greater than 0 (NL ≥ 1 and NuL ≥ 1).
- If Iflag =
1 or 2:
- NL and NuL must be greater than 0 (NL ≥ 1 and NuL ≥ 1)
- The first loading curve used for quasi-static
- D is computed as below:
(5) Where, and are the current stresses computed, respectively.
- P is the pressure
- If Iflag =
3 or 4:
- NuL could be 0, because unloading curves are not used.
- D is computed as:
(6) Where, Wcurv and Wmax are current and maximum energy.
- When
is reached,
Emax is used whatever the curve
definition is.E0 and Emax used to calculate the current time step. According to current value of strain, Radioss interpolates Young's modulus between E0 and Emax linearly, where E0 is also used to calculate contact stiffness. Radioss automatically modifies E0 if it is less than the initial value according to the input stress/strain curves tangents.
- If E0 is not specified, use maximum initial slope of all stress strain loading curves as E0.
- If Emax is not specified (or set default), use Emax as E0. Specified value of Emax should be greater than E0, otherwise also take = E0 as Emax.
- If is not specified (or set default), take the strain where, Emax is reached for the first time on one of the loading curves.
- If both and Emax are specified, take where, Emax is reached for the first time on one of the loading curves.
- For stresses above the last load function, the behavior is extrapolated by using the two last load functions. Then, in order to avoid huge stress values, it is recommended to repeat the last load function.
- All curves need to be defined as positive abscissa and ordinate.
- Function fct_IDT is used to scale specified stress strain curve in compression. Product of this function and specified stress strain function in compression gives the stress strain function in tension. Note that stress strain function in compression can be specified only until strain is equal to 1, which corresponds to full contraction of the foam. Therefore, the stress strain function in tension can be defined only until the tensile strain of 1.
- In order to recover the stress and
strain the initial state file, the following options have to be saved in the ASCII Output File (STY-File):
- Specific material output
- USR1: Modified equivalent strain* ( )
- USR2: Max of internal energy
- USR3: Current Young's modulus
- USR4: Equivalent strain
- USR5: Status (1=loading; -1=unloading)
- USR6: Stress
- USR7: Strain rate
- USR8: Internal energy
- /VISC/PRONY can be used with this material law to include viscous effects.