Block Format Keyword This property set is used to define the general solid property set.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
/PROP/TYPE14/prop_ID/unit_ID or /PROP/SOLID/prop_ID/unit_ID | |||||||||
prop_title | |||||||||
Isolid | Ismstr | Icpre | Itetra10 | Inpts | Itetra4 | Iframe | dn | ||
qa | qb | h | |||||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
Ndir | sphpart_ID |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
prop_ID | Property
identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
unit_ID | Unit Identifier. (Integer, maximum 10 digits) |
prop_title | Property
title. (Character, maximum 100 characters) |
Isolid | Solid elements formulation
flag. 1
(Integer) |
Ismstr | Small strain formulation
flag. 4
(Integer) |
Icpre | Constant pressure
formulation flag. 5 Only valid when Isolid = 14, 17, 18 or 24.
(Integer) |
Itetra10 | 10 node tetrahedral
element formulation flag. 7
(Integer) |
Inpts | Number of integration
points. 6 Only valid for Isolid =14, 16 (Integer) = ijk (Default = 222): 2 < i,j,k < 9 for Isolid =14 2 < i,k < 3, 2 < j < 9 for Isolid =16 Where,
Itetra4 | 4 node tetrahedral element
formulation flag. 7
(Integer) |
Iframe | Element coordinate system
formulation flag. 8 Only valid for 2D quad elements,
and brick elements with Isolid ==1, 2, or
17. Isolid= 14 or 24 always use the co-rotational formulation.
(Integer) |
dn | Numerical damping for
stabilization. 9 Only valid for Isolid=24. Default = 0.1 (Real) |
qa | Quadratic bulk
viscosity. Default = 1.10 (Real) Default = 0.0 for /MAT/LAW70 |
qb | Linear bulk
viscosity. Default = 0.05 (Real) Default = 0.0 for /MAT/LAW70 |
h | Hourglass viscosity
coefficient. Only valid for Isolid= 1, 2. Default = 0.10 (Real), must be 0.0 < h < 0.15 |
Numerical Navier Stokes
. Default = 0.0 (Real) |
Numerical Navier Stokes
. Default = 0.0 (Real) |
Minimum time step for
solid elements. Only available when using /DT/BRICK/CST or /DT/BRICK/DEL. Default = 0.0 (Real) |
Ndir | Number of
particle/direction for each solid element. 11
(Integer) |
sphpart_ID | Part identifier describing
the SPH properties for Sol2SPH. (Integer) |
- Isolid - Solid elements
- For most situations, Isolid = 24 (HEPH) hexahedral element is the best compromise between computational cost and quality.
- Elements formulation Isolid = 1, 2, and 24 are reduced integration elements with 1 Gauss integration point where as Isolid = 14, 17, and 18 are fully-integrated elements.
- Isolid = 24 (HEPH) solid elements use a physical hourglass formulation that is similar to the hourglass formulation used by Ishell = 24 (QEPH) shell elements. This hourglass formulation returns better results than the viscous hourglass formulation used by Isolid = 1 or 2.
- Isolid = 18, the Icpre and Ismstr default values
depend on the material and use these recommended values:
Default Material Laws Icpre = 2 2, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 36, 52, 79, 81, 84 Icpre = 3 12, 14, 15, 25, 28, 50, 53, 68, and If , then 1, 13, 16, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 41, 70 and 77
70, 77Icpre = 1 All other laws and If , then 1, 13, 16, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 41, 70, and 77
Ismstr = 10 38, 42, 62, 69, 82, 88, 92, 94, 95, 100 and 101 Ismstr = 11 70 Ismstr = 1 28 Ismstr = 2 All other laws
- 2D Quad elements.The following element formulations are supported for 2D analysis when using /QUAD elements
- Isolid = 2, 17
- Ismstr= 4
- Iframe= 1, 2
- Icpre= 1, 2.
- When using the automatic setting option Ismstr = Icpre = Iframe=-1, the values for these options are defined using the best options based on the element formulation, element type, and material. Alternatively, defining Ismstr = Icpre = Iframe=-2 will overwrite the values for these options defined in this property with the best value (/DEF_SOLID) based on element type and material law. To see the values defined by Radioss, review the “PART ELEMENT/MATERIAL PARAMETER REVIEW” section of the Starter output file.
- Ismstr - Small strain formulation
- For small strain formulations (Ismstr =1, 3, 11) or elements that switch to small strain formulation (Ismstr =2, 12), the strains and stresses calculated in the material laws are engineering strains and stresses. Otherwise, they are true strains (or total strains) and Cauchy stresses.
- Ismstr = 10, 12 are only compatible with these material laws 1, 38, 42, 62, 69, 82, 88, 92, 94, 100 and 101 that use total strain formulation. Generally, the Left Cauchy-Green strain is used. For User laws, the deformation gradient tensor and the right stretch tensor could be used.
- Ismstr = 10 and 12 are not compatible with /TETRA4 with Itetra4 = 3.
- Ismstr = 11 has been developed for Law 70 (foam), it is only compatible with material laws using engineering total strain (for example, Laws 1, 38 and 70). Generally, more stable results can be obtained when Ismstr =1.
- Ismstr=12 can be used with /DT/BRICK/CST to automatically switch elements with a low time step from Lagrange type total strain to total small total strain (Ismstr = 11). However, there can be a slight discontinuity of stresses during the change in strain formulation.
- The Radioss Engine option /DT/BRICK/CST only works with solid properties that use Ismstr = 2 or 12.
- Starting with version 2017, Lagrangian elements whose volume becomes
negative during a simulation will automatically switch strain
formulations to allow the simulation to continue. When this occurs, a
WARNING message will be printed in the Engine output file. The following
options are supported.
Element Type and Formulation Strain Formulation Negative Volume Handling Method /BRICK Isolid = 1, 2, 14, 17, 18, 24
/TETRA4, Itetra4 = 1000
/TETRA10, Itetra10 = 1000
Full geometric nonlinearities. Ismstr = 2, 4
Switch to small strain using element shape from cycle before negative volume. Lagrange type total strain. Ismstr = 10, 12
Lagrange type total strain with element shape at time=0.0.
- Icpre - Constant pressure
formulation flag
- Icpre=1 is used to prevent volumetric locking in incompressible or quasi-incompressible material. For this case, the stress tensor is decomposed into a spherical and deviatoric part. Reduced integration is then used for the spherical part so that the pressure remains constant.
- Icpre=2 is only available for elasto-plastic laws. To prevent volume locking, additional terms with Poisson’s coefficient are added to the strain. When in the material is still elastic and thus compressible, the Poisson’s coefficient terms are small. As the material becomes plastic and thus incompressible, the Poisson’s coefficient terms increase to prevent volume locking. Refer to the Radioss Theory Manual for additional explanation.
- Inpts - Number of integration
- For Isolid = 14 and 16, the recommended value is Inpts = 222.
- Tetra elements
- The Isolid flag is not used with 4-node (/TETRA4) or 10-node (/TETRA10) tetrahedron elements.
- 4-nodes tetrahedron with the ALE formulation is compatible with Itetra4 = 1000 or Itetra4 = 3 only.
- The quadratic tetrahedron element (/TETRA10) with Itetra10 = 2 uses the same the original integration scheme and shape functions with the time step of the linear tetrahedron (using /DT1/BRICK), using the dynamic condensation. The method implementation is proprietary.
- The incompatibility list
of Itetra10=2 as:
- Implicit
- If the middle node of Tetra10 was defined as dependent node of /RBE3, /MPC or /RLINK.
- If the middle node of Tetra10 was defined alone as secondary node of /RBODY, /RBE2.
- If the middle node of Tetra10 was defined alone in /BCS, /IMPACC, /IMPVEL or /IMPDIS.
- For
/INTER/TYPE2 with kinematic types: Spotflag < 25 and =30, if one of the corner nodes was defined as
secondary node.
(It is recommended to use Spotflag=27 or 28 of interface TYPE2 with Itetra10=2.)
- Iframe - Element coordinate
system formulation flag
- When co-rotational formulation is used (Iframe = 2), the stress tensor is computed in a co-rotational coordinate system. If large rotations are involved, this formulation is more accurate but does have a higher computational cost. It is recommended in cases of elastic or visco-elastic problems where shear deformation is important.
- dn - Numerical
damping and h - hourglass viscosity coefficient
- Numerical damping dn is used in the hourglass stress calculation for Isolid = 24 (HEPH) solid elements. The energy from numerical damping is included in the time history internal energy output.
- When comparing results between Isolid = 24 and Isolid = 1 or 2 where, dn=h, the numerical damping is times smaller for Isolid = 24 than Isolid =1 or 2.
- The numerical Navier Stokes viscosity model is available for all material laws. Note that the output viscosity stress is available just for users law and Isolid =1 (In time history output the viscosity stress is added in the stress).
- Output for
- For post-processing solid element stress, refer to /ANIM/BRICK/TENS for animation and /TH/BRICK for plot files.
- In plot and animation files, stress tensor is attached to the co-rotational frame.
- Solid to SPH properties
- When using Sol2SPH, solid elements are converted to SPH particles when a solid is deleted due to contact, material failure criteria, or time step criteria.
- The number activated of SPH particles depends on parameter Ndir. The particles properties are computed using the sphpart_ID part number.
- The option Sol2SPH is only compatible with Isolid = 1, 2 or 24, Iframe = 1 or 2.
- The option Idel= -1 or -2 in interface /INTER/TYPE7 needs to be set.
- Both material laws for solid and SPH parts must be of the same type.