An explicit is solved by calculating results in small time increments or time steps. The size of the time step depends
on many factors but is automatically calculated by Radioss.
The contact interface time step is calculated in two different ways. First, based on stiffness and second, based on
the velocity of the secondary nodes.
The time step of the initial model is output to the Starter output file. Whereas the time step of a running model
can be output to the animation files.
Composite materials consist of two or more materials combined each other. Most composites consist
of two materials, binder (matrix) and reinforcement. Reinforcements come in three forms, particulate,
discontinuous fiber, and continuous fiber.
Optimization in Radioss was introduced in version 13.0. It is implemented by invoking the optimization capabilities of
OptiStruct and simultaneously using the Radioss solver for analysis.
An explicit is solved by calculating results in small time increments or time steps. The size of the time step depends
on many factors but is automatically calculated by Radioss.
The theoretical stable time step for both elements and nodes is an approximation and
may change during the following time increment.
To maintain simulation stability and prevent divergence, the calculated theoretical
stable time step is multiplied by a time step scale factor
. If no time step control options are being used, then the minimum nodal or
element time step of a model that is printed in the Starter output is multiplied by
the time step scale factor with the result shown as TIME-STEP in
the Engine output file.
Minimum time step listed in the Starter
2.6322377948203E-04 11021
Default element time step activated in the Engine
0 0.000 0.2369E-03 SOLID
When using any of the time step control methods, such as
/DT/NODA/CST or /DT/BRICK/CST, the time
step control is activated when the minimum time step of the mesh multiplied by the
time the time step scale factor is less than the entered minimum time step, .
The minimum time step listed in the Starter output
NODAL TIME STEP (estimation)
6.9475433E-07 10009
If the contant nodal time step option is used in the Engine
0.9 7.0E-07
The initial Engine time step is:(1)
Since this initial time step is less than , mass is added to increase the theoretical minimum
time step of the mesh. Enough mass must be added to increase the minimum mesh time
step so that , which means:(2)
The Engine output shows the time step is the same as entered and there is a mass
error (MAS.ERR), due to mass added to increase the time
If , then more mass must be added to make the
theoretical time step of the mesh is higher.(3)
The default time step scale factor of 0.9 works well in most situations; however, in
some cases, other values are recommended. One example would be models with foam
materials, where there can be a sudden increase in stiffness, as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Typical Behavior of Foam
This increase in stiffness causes a decrease in the model’s critical time step and
can cause divergence, if the simulation time step is larger than the model’s
critical time step. Some common situations where a time step other than 0.9 should
be used are:
Models that use advanced
mass scaling, /DT/AMS to increase the time step: