ActionDialog (hwx.gui)¶
Dialog that pops up under the specified SpriteAction.
- Inherits:
DialogBase (hwx.gui)
Public Methods¶
classmethod get (cls)
createContents (self)
positionUnder (self, relativeTo, checkWasMoved=True, xoffset=0)
resize (self, width, height)
Method Details¶
- classmethod get(cls)¶
Get singleton when dialog is implemented as a subclass
Used by associated Button/SpriteActions.
- createContents(self)¶
To be implemented in derived class.
- positionUnder(self, relativeTo, checkWasMoved=True, xoffset=0)¶
Positions the dialog under or over the relataveTo widget.
- param relativeTo
The widget to position relative to.
- type relativeTo
- param checkWasMoved
Determines whether to check if widget is moved or not.
- type checkWasMoved
- param xoffset
The offset value for the widget for x-axis.
- type xoffset
- resize(self, width, height)¶
Resize width/height of dialog.
This does not prevent the user from manually resizing like setting the width/height does.