Ribbon (hwx.gui)

A Ribbon is a top level menu that appears on the main application.

Any widgets that are parented to the Ribbon appear under it. The Ribbon requires a unique identifier.

The Ribbon allows you to quickly access tools and standard functions, and is located at the top of the Inspire workspace. You can use it to add tools that you frequently use.

Public Methods

classmethod add (cls, location, item, **kwds)

classmethod remove (cls, location)

Method Details

classmethod add(cls, location, item, **kwds)

Adds the specified item in the ribbon location.

param location

Location can be a page or page group.

type location


param item

item to be added

type item

RibbonPageGroup | SpriteActionGroup

classmethod remove(cls, location)

Removes specified ribbon page.

All the children get deleted when the page gets deleted.

param location

Location can be a page or page group.

type location
