SplinePlot (hwx.gui)

Plot for the SplineEditor.

Plots the curve points, an interpolated spline and the derivative.


Public Methods

onDrag (self, event)

onModified (self, event)

onSelected (self, event)

selectPoints (self, indexes)

setEventDx (self, event)

setInterpolationMethod (self, method)

setSpline (self, spline, fit=True)

Method Details

onDrag(self, event)

User is dragging one or more points.

param event

Mouse event to get all the selected points in the plot.

type event


onModified(self, event)

Mouse up after a drag.

param event

Mouse event to get all the selected points in the plot.

type event


onSelected(self, event)

Points selected in the plot, select the points in the table.

param event

Mouse event to get all the selected points in the plot.

type event


selectPoints(self, indexes)

Cells selected from the table, select the points in the plot.

param indexes

list of point index to be selected.

type indexes


setEventDx(self, event)

Limit dx moves so we dont get a bad spline.

spline.xs must increase in value so user can not drag selected points past the unselected points.

param event

Mouse event to get all the selected points in the plot.

type event


setInterpolationMethod(self, method)

Sets the interpolation method

param method

The interpolation method. Possible choices are “akima”, “linear”, “cubic”, “zero”, “natural”. If it is None, turns off the interpolate and derivative curves.

type method


setSpline(self, spline, fit=True)

Sets the specified spline in SplinePlot.

param spline

The spline containing X and Y values to be set.

type spline


param fit

Determines whether to fit the plot or not.

type fit
