
This section provides the details on deprecated functions and properties.

revolve(feature, angle, axis)

Revolves a face, line, or 2D edge about an axis.

param feature

A face, line, or 2D edge.

type feature

FeatureArea | FeatureCurve

param angle

The angle of revolution.

type angle


param axis

An edge, line, cylindrical hole or a System. If it is of type System it has to have systemType Axis.

Selecting an edge on another part projects the axis of revolution to the planar face that will be rotated.

type axis

FeatureLinear | FeatureCircular | System

Deprecated since version 2022.1.

This will be removed in 2023. Use the revolve2 function instead

fillet(feature, radius='3 mm')

Creates fillet on a Linear/Planar feature.

param feature

feature that needs to be fillet.

type feature


param radius

Radius of the fillet.

type radius

float | str

Deprecated since version 2022.1.

This will be removed in 2023. Use the edgeFillet function instead

property contacts

Global ‘sliding with separation’ setting is deprecated as it is available at individual contact level. Please refer to individual contact settings for their behavior.