===================== WidgetStack (hwx.gui) ===================== A WidgetStack is used to display one widget at a time, generally depending on conditions or actions of other widgets. Inherits: - :ref:`Widget (hwx.gui)` ---------- Properties ---------- +----------------+----------------+ | visibleWidget_ | widgets_ | +----------------+----------------+ -------------- Public Methods -------------- +-------------------------------------+ | addChildren_ (self, children) | +-------------------------------------+ | destroy_ (self) | +-------------------------------------+ | enableGlobalActions_ (self, enable) | +-------------------------------------+ | getMousePosition_ (self) | +-------------------------------------+ | getRelativeMousePosition_ (self) | +-------------------------------------+ | hide_ (self) | +-------------------------------------+ | saveAsPng_ (self, fname) | +-------------------------------------+ | setF1HelpTopic_ (self, helptopic) | +-------------------------------------+ | setProperties_ (self, kwds) | +-------------------------------------+ | show_ (self) | +-------------------------------------+ ---------------- Property Details ---------------- .. _visibleWidget: .. property:: visibleWidget The visibility of the widget in WidgetStack. .. _widgets: .. property:: widgets The list of stacked widgets. -------------- Method Details -------------- .. _addChildren: .. method:: addChildren(self, children) Add child widgets/layouts into this widget. Widget children get layed out using a VBoxLayout. Typically, you'll pass the parent/children into the constructor instead of calling this function directly. :param children: :type children: list[Widget] | Layout .. _destroy: .. method:: destroy(self) Deletes this and all its children. .. _enableGlobalActions: .. method:: enableGlobalActions(self, enable) Sets the state of Global Actions. Disable the global actions to get key events. :param enable: Determines whether to enable or disable global actions. :type enable: bool .. _getMousePosition: .. method:: getMousePosition(self) Returns the mouse position. .. _getRelativeMousePosition: .. method:: getRelativeMousePosition(self) Returns the mouse position relative to this widget. .. _hide: .. method:: hide(self) Hides the widget. .. _saveAsPng: .. method:: saveAsPng(self, fname) Saves the widget as a .png file. :param fname: The file name for the .png :type fname: str :returns: True if it was saved succesfully, False otherwise. :rtype: bool .. _setF1HelpTopic: .. method:: setF1HelpTopic(self, helptopic) Popup web-browser helps when the user hits F1 when over this. :param helptopic: Topic name user needs help in. :type helptopic: str .. _setProperties: .. method:: setProperties(self, kwds) Internal method called from constructors. .. _show: .. method:: show(self) Shows the widget.