==================== RibbonPage (hwx.gui) ==================== Ribbon tab. It is the Toolbar replacement and a Container of SpriteActionGroups and RibbonPageGroups. ---------- Properties ---------- +----------+ | visible_ | +----------+ -------------- Public Methods -------------- +------------------------------------+ | classmethod get_ (cls, name) | +------------------------------------+ | add_ (self, item, after=None) | +------------------------------------+ | addFrame_ (self, text='', name='') | +------------------------------------+ | remove_ (self, item) | +------------------------------------+ ---------------- Property Details ---------------- .. _visible: .. property:: visible The visibility of the RibbonPage. Setting it to False will visually remove it from the Ribbon. -------------- Method Details -------------- .. _get: .. classmethod:: get(cls, name) Gets the RibbonPage from the name. :param name: RibbonPage name. :type name: str :returns: The RibbonPage with the specified name. :rtype: RibbonPage .. _add: .. method:: add(self, item, after=None) Adds the specified item to the RibbonPage. :param item: The item to be added. :type item: RibbonPageGroup | str :param after: The item to insert after. :type after: RibbonPageGroup | str .. _addFrame: .. method:: addFrame(self, text='', name='') Adds and returns a frame to this RibbonPage The frame can be used to add any Widgets. :param text: The name/displayName of the ribbon page. :type text: str :param name: The name of the Frame widget. :type name: str :returns: The frame object added to the Ribbon page. :rtype: Frame .. _remove: .. method:: remove(self, item) Removes the specified item from the RibbonPage. :param item: The item to remove. :type item: Action | str