========================= SecondaryRibbon (hwx.gui) ========================= A sub Ribbon containing a list of SpriteActionGroups that appears under a SpriteActionGroup in the Ribbon. Inherits: - :ref:`Widget (hwx.gui)` ---------- Properties ---------- +------------------+------------------+------------------+ | action_ | allowAllOff_ | persistSelected_ | +------------------+------------------+------------------+ -------------- Public Methods -------------- +---------------------------------+ | add_ (self, action, index=None) | +---------------------------------+ ---------------- Property Details ---------------- .. _action: .. property:: action The SpriteAction the ribbon is shown under. .. _allowAllOff: .. property:: allowAllOff (bool) Use False to auto hide when all actions are toggled off. .. _persistSelected: .. property:: persistSelected (bool) Use True to toggle on the last active action when shown. -------------- Method Details -------------- .. _add: .. method:: add(self, action, index=None) Adds the SpriteAction/SpriteActionGroup to Secondary Ribbon. :param action: The action to be added. :type action: str | SpriteActionGroup :param index: Index at which to insert the action. :type index: int