================= XSlider (hwx.gui) ================= A movable vertical line Inherits: - :ref:`Slider (hwx.gui)` ---------- Properties ---------- +--------+ | value_ | +--------+ -------------- Public Methods -------------- +----------------------------------+ | decorateEnabled_ (self, enabled) | +----------------------------------+ | delete_ (self) | +----------------------------------+ | formatHoverText_ (self, value) | +----------------------------------+ | hover_ (self) | +----------------------------------+ | pick_ (self, event) | +----------------------------------+ | setValue_ (self, name, value) | +----------------------------------+ | unhover_ (self) | +----------------------------------+ ---------------- Property Details ---------------- .. _value: .. property:: value The x value of the slider. -------------- Method Details -------------- .. _decorateEnabled: .. method:: decorateEnabled(self, enabled) the plot was enabled or disabled, set the color. .. _delete: .. method:: delete(self) Deletes the slider. .. _formatHoverText: .. method:: formatHoverText(self, value) Formats the hover text of the slider :param value: The slider hover text value :type value: float .. _hover: .. method:: hover(self) When the line is hovered. .. _pick: .. method:: pick(self, event) When the line is picked from the plot this method gets called :param event: The mouse event when clicked on the line :type event: MouseEvent :returns: A reference to the instance Line object on which it was called or None :rtype: Line .. _setValue: .. method:: setValue(self, name, value) Sets the value for the named property :param name: The property name to set value for :type name: str :param value: The value to set for the Slider :type value: Union[list, tuple, dict] .. _unhover: .. method:: unhover(self) When the line is not hovered.