========================== Inertia (hwx.inspire.core) ========================== Inertial attributes is used to store any inertial values. Components of the inertia property are ixx, iyy, izz, ixy, izy, iyz. -------------- Public Methods -------------- +---------------------------------------+ | classmethod apply_ (cls, **kwds) | +---------------------------------------+ | castForGet_ (self, obj, value) | +---------------------------------------+ | castForSet_ (self, obj, value) | +---------------------------------------+ | create_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | createList_ (self, listAttr, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | createListList_ (self, listAttr, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | disable_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | enable_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | getCreateArgs_ (self) | +---------------------------------------+ | getDisplayName_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | getGuiValue_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | getInCoreValue_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | getUnits_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | getValue_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | getValueList_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | getValueListList_ (self, obj) | +---------------------------------------+ | initialize_ (self, objCls, name) | +---------------------------------------+ | loadValue_ (self, obj, value) | +---------------------------------------+ | setInCoreValue_ (self, obj, value) | +---------------------------------------+ | setValue_ (self, obj, value) | +---------------------------------------+ | setValueList_ (self, obj, value) | +---------------------------------------+ | setValueListList_ (self, obj, value) | +---------------------------------------+ -------------- Method Details -------------- .. _apply: .. classmethod:: apply(cls, **kwds) Context manager to specify Attribute constructor kwds Useful to avoid repeating kwds while defining a related group .. _castForGet: .. method:: castForGet(self, obj, value) Converts and returns the attribute value to its external type. :param obj: Object this attribute belongs to. :type obj: GeneralObject :param value: Value of the attribute to be converted. :type value: Any :returns: Converted value. :rtype: value (Any) .. _castForSet: .. method:: castForSet(self, obj, value) Converts and validates the value of the attribute before setting. Converts the value it to its internal type (and base units if applicable). :param obj: Object this attribute belongs to. :type obj: GeneralObject :param value: Value of the attribute to set. :type value: Any :returns: Validated and converted value. :rtype: value (Any) .. _create: .. method:: create(self, obj) Creates a attribute for the specified object. Overridden by the child class create method. .. _createList: .. method:: createList(self, listAttr, obj) Creates an attribute that has list of values for the specified object. .. _createListList: .. method:: createListList(self, listAttr, obj) Creates an attribute that has nested list of values for the specified object. .. _disable: .. method:: disable(self, obj) Disables the attribute. .. _enable: .. method:: enable(self, obj) Enables the attribute. .. _getCreateArgs: .. method:: getCreateArgs(self) Helper used in create methods .. _getDisplayName: .. method:: getDisplayName(self, obj) Returns the display name of the attribute. Display name is used show the objects attribute name in the Property editor. .. _getGuiValue: .. method:: getGuiValue(self, obj) Returns the formatted value, as shown in the Property Editor. .. _getInCoreValue: .. method:: getInCoreValue(self, obj) Calls the incore get method (defined in C++) of the attribute. :param obj: Object this attribute belongs to. :type obj: GeneralObject :param value: Value of the attribute to get. :type value: Any :returns: Value returned by the incore get method. :rtype: Any .. _getUnits: .. method:: getUnits(self, obj) Returns the units of the attribute. .. _getValue: .. method:: getValue(self, obj) Returns the attribute value of the specified object. .. _getValueList: .. method:: getValueList(self, obj) Returns the list of values from the specified object. .. _getValueListList: .. method:: getValueListList(self, obj) Returns the nested list of values from the specified object. .. _initialize: .. method:: initialize(self, objCls, name) Initializes the attribute. :param objCls: Object class this attribute belongs to. :type objCls: class :param name: Name of the attribute. :type name: str .. _loadValue: .. method:: loadValue(self, obj, value) Loads and sets the value, when a model is loaded. .. _setInCoreValue: .. method:: setInCoreValue(self, obj, value) Calls the incore set method (defined in C++) of the attribute. :param obj: Object this attribute belongs to. :type obj: GeneralObject :param value: Value of the attribute to set. :type value: Any .. _setValue: .. method:: setValue(self, obj, value) Sets the value for the specified object attribute. .. _setValueList: .. method:: setValueList(self, obj, value) Sets the specified list of values for the attribute. .. _setValueListList: .. method:: setValueListList(self, obj, value) Sets the specified nested list of values for the attribute.