========================================= TopographyOptimization (hwx.inspire.core) ========================================= An advanced form of shape optimization that generates beads or swages on a design space. This optimization only works on parts that are defined by surface geometry. ---------- Attributes ---------- +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | active_: Bool | imported_: Bool | name_: Attribute | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | progress_: Int | status_: Enum | visible_: Bool | +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+ | workingDir_: Attribute | | +------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ -------------- Public Methods -------------- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | classmethod export_ (cls, file, params={}, runOptions={}, ignoreWarnings=False) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | __new__ (cls, params={}, runOptions={}, ignoreWarnings=False) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | importResults_ (self, showExplorer=True) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | reanalyze_ (self, density, runOptions={}, ignoreWarnings=False) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | switchToOptimizedParts_ (self) | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------- Attribute Details ----------------- .. _active: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ active : :ref:`Bool ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns or sets the object activeness. Setting this on or off sets all children. Setting to True sets all the parents active too. .. _imported: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ imported : :ref:`Bool ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If True, Results are loaded. .. _name: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ name : :ref:`Attribute ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returns or sets the name of the object. It can be any text string, including spaces, although it's best to avoid using the following characters: " ' * ? and $. While these characters are allowed, they could create difficulties when you export the model to other applications. .. _progress: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ progress : :ref:`Int ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Current state of the Object. .. _status: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ status : :ref:`Enum ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Current status of the Object. .. _visible: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ visible : :ref:`Bool ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Determines whether the object is visible in the graphics window. Setting this on or off sets all children. Setting to True sets all the parents visible too. .. _workingDir: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ workingDir : :ref:`Attribute ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Working directory of the Object -------------- Method Details -------------- .. _export: .. classmethod:: export(cls, file, params={}, runOptions={}, ignoreWarnings=False) Download solver file (.fem, .ssp) for run :param file: File path to save to :type file: str :param See constructor for params: :param runOptions: :param ignoreWarnings: .. ___new__: .. method:: __new__(cls, params={}, runOptions={}, ignoreWarnings=False) Create and run. Passed params/options are merged into the default values. Use repr(cls.Params(**kwds)) to see exactly what is being used. :param params: See cls.Params. :type params: dict :param runOptions: See cls.RunOptions :type runOptions: dict :param ignoreWarnings: Abort on warnings :type ignoreWarnings: bool .. _importResults: .. method:: importResults(self, showExplorer=True) Make results available in the Shape Explorer. :param showExplorer: Opens the Shape Explorer dialog (gui mode only) :type showExplorer: bool .. _reanalyze: .. method:: reanalyze(self, density, runOptions={}, ignoreWarnings=False) Run an OptiStructAnalysis on the generated shape. :param density: Density threshold value. 1.0 - maximum density on design space. 0.0 - minimum density on design space. :type density: float :param runOptions: See cls.RunOptions :type runOptions: dict :param ignoreWarnings: Abort on warnings :type ignoreWarnings: bool :returns: OptiStructReanalysis .. _switchToOptimizedParts: .. method:: switchToOptimizedParts(self) Change part alternatives to this result.