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Solver Options

Solver Options

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Solver Options

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The Solver Options button opens a dialog with the different options available. The contents of the dialog vary according to the option you select:





Generic material

Generic material: Import a model in the generic material mode, in which all material sub-options, parameters, and data lines are supported as simple text.

Expand load on sets

All loads on sets are expanded to individual nodes/elements.

Expand sets defined by range

If this option is activated, all sets with the GENERATE parameter are imported as regular sets. This is useful when node/element IDs are renumbered during import.





The dialog presents options that allows you to determine whether to read these keywords from the solver deck into HyperMesh.


By default they are automatically read for HyperMesh.




When importing an FE model and the By HM Comment option is selected but no HM comment cards exist, Nastran users can specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities. On import, HyperMesh will calculate the ratio of the number of elements to the number of properties.

Element to property ratio: this affects how imported elements are organized into components.

If the calculated ratio is less than the specified ratio, all the elements are put into one component.
If the calculated ratio is greater than the specified ratio, one component is created for each property.

Delete duplicate nodes: activating this option causes duplicate node IDs to be deleted on import; only the final imported node of a given ID will be retained.




When importing an FE model and the By HM Comment option is selected but no HM comment cards exist, OptiStruct users can specify a ratio to be considered when importing HyperMesh entities. On import, HyperMesh will calculate the ratio of the number of elements to the number of properties.

Element to property ratio: this affects how imported elements are organized into components.

If the calculated ratio is less than the specified ratio, all the elements are put into one component.
If the calculated ratio is greater than the specified ratio, one component is created for each property.

Delete duplicate nodes: activating this option causes duplicate node IDs to be deleted on import; only the final imported node of a given ID will be retained.





See Also:

By HM Comment

To Import an FE Model