This block receives from a given Kafka topic.
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
nout | Number of outputs | Defines the number of outputs | Number | |
outports | Output ports | Defines the data type and size for each output. | Structure | |
outports/rowsize | Row size | Defines the row size for each output. | Cell of scalars | |
outports/colsize | Column size | Defines the column size for each output. | Cell of scalars | |
outports/datatype | Data Type | Defines the data type for each output. | Cell of strings | 'double' |
hostname | Hostname (Broker) | Defines the broker's IP address | String | |
topic | Topic | Defines the topic to describe to, the message will be read from that topic. The messages are stored at this topic. | String | |
groupid | Group ID | Specifies the consumer group to which the Kafka Consumer instance belongs. | String | |
polltime | Polling time (in ms) | Specifies the maximum time to wait for consumer messages or events. If no records are received before this time expires, Kafka Consumer block returns an empty record set. | Scalar | |
message | Message template | Defines the message format to be read. This message can be of any format (text, JSON, ...). User can use %%1, %%2, ..., %%n to identify the outputs. | String | |
onFailure | Do on failure | Defines the behavior on failure. | Structure | |
onFailure/error | Error | Number | 0 | |
onFailure/warning | Warning | Number | 0 | |
onFailure/nothing | Nothing | Number | 0 | |
Offset | Initial Offset | Defines the offset on startup. | Structure | |
Offset/earliest | Earliest (smallest or beginning) | automatically reset the offset to the smallest offset | Number | 0 |
Offset/latest | Latest (largest or end) | automatically reset the offset to the largest offset | Number | 0 |
Name | Label | Description | Data Type | Valid Values |
log_file_name | Log file name (*.log) | Activate messages are logged into this file. the filename can be 'stderr' or 'stdout'. | String |
Name | Type | Description | IO Type | Number |
Port 1 | explicit | output | nout | |
Port 2 | activation | input | 1 |