You create a connection between blocks by drawing a wire between input and output connector tabs on the blocks. Once you have completed the connection, Embed maintains the connection even as you move the blocks around the screen.
To connect blocks
1. Hover over a connector tab on one of the blocks to be wired. The pointer becomes an upward pointing arrow.
2. Drag the pointer to the connector tab on the destination block.
As you drag the pointer, Embed generates a line that represents the wire. Because Embed draws wires vertically and horizontally, the path of the wire may not mimic the path of the pointer.
3. Release the button.
To automatically complete connections
You can control how close the pointer must be to a connector tab to automatically complete a connection.
1. Choose Edit > Preferences.
2. Click the Preferences tab.
3. In the Auto Connect Radius box, enter a value in inches or fractions of inches.
4. Click OK, or press ENTER.
To automatically connect blocks
You can use the Edit menu's Auto Connect and Auto Disconnect commands to automatically wire blocks together. When wiring blocks, they do not have to be vertically parallel; however, if they are too far apart, the command will fail.
1. Select the blocks to be wired.
2. Do one of the following:
• Choose Edit > Auto Connect.
• Right-click one of the selected blocks to access the pop-up Edit menu and choose Auto Connect.
To automatically disconnect the wires
1. Select the blocks to be disconnected.
2. Do one of the following:
• Choose Edit > Auto Disconnect.
• Right-click one of the selected blocks to access the Edit pop-up menu and choose Auto Disconnect.