Error |
Description |
A composite state can have at most one (deep) history vertex |
A composite state, even orthogonal, may have no more than one history pseudo-state. A history pseudo-state stores the history for the whole composite state, not just for the region where the pseudo-state resides. |
A (deep) history vertex can have at most one outgoing transition |
A (shallow or deep) history pseudo-state must have just a single outgoing transition targeting a state in the same region. This transition is called a default history transition. |
A fork transition segment must always target a state |
The transitions outgoing a fork pseudo-state must target states (but not pseudo-states) in different regions of the same composite (orthogonal) state. |
A join transition segment must always originate from a state |
The transitions incoming a join pseudo-state must originate from states, not pseudo-states, in different regions of the same composite (orthogonal) state. |
All transitions incoming a join vertex must originate in different regions of an orthogonal state |
The transitions incoming a join pseudo-state must originate from states (but not pseudo-states) in different regions of the same composite (orthogonal) state. |
All transitions outgoing a fork vertex must target different regions of an orthogonal state |
The transitions outgoing a fork pseudo-state must target states (but not pseudo-states) in different regions of the same composite (orthogonal) state. |
An entry point must have a single transition to a vertex within the same region |
An entry point pseudo-state must have just a single outgoing transition targeting a vertex in the same region. |
An initial vertex can have at most one outgoing transition |
An Initial vertex can have just a single outgoing transition targeting a state in the same region. |
An initial vertex must have a single transition within the same region |
An Initial vertex can have just a single outgoing transition targeting a state in the same region. |
Argument for InState must be a quoted string constant |
The InState function must have an argument that is a non-empty string constant. |
A submachine state can have at most one (deep) history vertex |
A submachine state may have no more than one history pseudo-state. |
A transition outgoing a (deep) history vertex must target a vertex within the same region |
A (shallow or deep) history pseudo-state must have just a single outgoing transition targeting a state in the same region. |
Default history transition may result in an endless loop |
The transition, outgoing the history state, targets directly or indirectly the same history state, what may result in an endless execution loop. |
Empty string cannot be used as argument for InState |
The InState function must have an argument that is a non-empty string constant. |
Incomplete statemachine: a fork vertex must have at least two outgoing transitions and exactly one incoming transition |
A fork pseudo-state may have just a single incoming transition and at least two outgoing transitions. The transitions outgoing a fork pseudo-state must target states (but not pseudo-states) in different regions of the same composite (orthogonal) state. |
Incomplete statemachine: a join vertex must have at least two incoming transitions and exactly one outgoing transition |
A join pseudo-state may have just a single outgoing transition and at least two incoming transitions. The transitions incoming a join pseudo-state must originate from states (but not pseudo-states) in different regions of the same composite (orthogonal) state. |
Missing ')’ |
The number of ( and ) does not match. |
Missing argument for InState |
The InState function must have an argument that is a non-empty string constant. |
Missing argument for SendT |
The SendT function must have an argument that can be evaluated to a trigger. |
No initial transition found in the enclosed region(s) |
One or several regions of a composite state or a submachine state have no initial transition. A region without an initial transition can exist but in this case the region can become active only through an incoming transition to one of its enclosed states. |
No initial transitions found on the top level |
The state chart has no initial transition. |
The outgoing transition from an initial vertex may have a behavior but not a trigger or guard |
An initial transition may not have any triggers or guards. In general, any transition outgoing a pseudo-state may not have a trigger. |
There can be at most one history vertex in a region |
Only one history pseudo-state is allowed in a region. |
There can be at most one initial vertex in a region |
Only one initial transition is allowed in a region. |
The transition incoming a join vertex may not have triggers or guards |
Transitions incoming a join pseudo-state, may not have any triggers or guards even though they originate from a states and not pseudo-states. |
The transition outgoing a fork vertex may not have triggers or guards |
Transitions outgoing a fork pseudo-state may not have any triggers or guards. In general, any transition outgoing a pseudo-state may not have a trigger. |
Transitions outgoing choice vertices must have guards |
Every transition outgoing a choice pseudo-state must have a guard. It is recommended that one outgoing transition has the predefined else guard. |
Transitions outgoing pseudostates may not have a trigger |
Any transition outgoing a pseudo-state may not have a trigger. |
Warning |
Description |
Initial vertex has no outgoing transitions |
Usually initial transitions have a single outgoing transition. |