Replacing blocks

You use the Replace command to replace the names of the blocks you find. You specify entries in the Replace dialog box in the same way that you do in the Find dialog box.


To replace a block

1.    Choose Edit > Replace (CTRL+H).

2.    In the Find What box, enter the search item.

3.    Select any option you want to control the search.



Find whole words and not parts of words

Match Whole Word Only

Find item with same capitalization as the word in the Find What box

Match Case

Find variable block names

Match Variables Only

Find only the defining instance of a variable; that is, the variable block with an input connection

Match Variables Definition Only


4.    In the Replace With box, enter the item to replace the search item.

5.    Choose Find Next. When Embed finds a match, it highlights the block in black.

6.    Do one of the following:



Replace the block name and find the next occurrence


Change all occurrences without confirmation

Replace All

Leave the block name unchanged and find the next occurrence

Find Next

To cancel a search or close the dialog box, choose Cancel.