You can resize an embedded Mathcad document by scaling or cropping it. When you scale an embedded Mathcad document, the text within the block is also scaled. When the dimensions of the embedded Mathcad document are much larger than the text, you can adjust the size of the block by cropping its sides. The size of the text within the block is not affected by this action.
To scale an embedded Mathcad document manually
1. Click embedded Mathcad document.
2. Point to a block handle.
3. Drag until the block is the size you want.
4. Click outside the Mathcad document to return to Embed.
To scale an embedded Mathcad document using the Mathcad Properties dialog box
1. Right-click the embedded Mathcad document.
2. In the drop-down menu, choose Properties.
The Mathcad Properties dialog box appears.
3. Click the View tab.
4. To scale the block with respect to its original size, activate Relative To Original Size.
5. In the Scale box, select the scaling factor.
6. Click Apply to preview the new size.
7. Click OK to make the change permanent.
To crop an embedded Mathcad document manually
1. Double-click the embedded Mathcad document.
2. Point to a block handle.
3. Drag until the block is the size you want.
4. Click outside the Mathcad document to return to Embed.
To reset the size of an embedded Mathcad document
You can use this method when you cropped the embedded Mathcad document or when you scaled in manually.
1. Right-click the embedded Mathcad document.
2. From the drop-down menu, choose Reset Size.