The File > Page Setup command lets you set properties associated with the printed and previewed page of your diagram. As you choose options in the Page Setup dialog box, a sample of your selections is displayed in the dialog box.
To set up block diagram pages
1. Choose File > Page Setup.
2. Do one or more of the following:
To |
Do this |
Set page orientation |
In the Orientation box, select Portrait or Landscape. |
Control margins |
Under the Margins box, enter a number to control the distance between diagram elements and the edge of the page. Embed does not display margins unless you have activated Show Printable Area under Edit > Preferences. When activated, margins appear as blue non-printing lines. |
Specify paper size and source |
Under the Paper box, click the DOWN arrows for Size and Source and make your selections. |
Print each level of the diagram on a separate page, and when necessary, reduce diagram text so the level fits on a single page |
Activate Fit Diagram to Page. Because Embed prints each level with the minimal reduction possible, the levels of a multi-level diagram may be sized differently. |
Print each level using as many pages as necessary to print it without resizing |
Activate Tile Printed Pages for Large Diagrams. The margin settings are honored for each page. |
Create headers and footers |
In the Header or Footer box, enter the text. To view headers and footers, you must be in Print Preview mode.
Field |
Field code |
File name |
$f |
File path |
$F |
Block path |
$H |
Date |
$D |
Integration method |
$I |
Optimization |
$O |
Page number |
$p |
Range |
$G |
Step size |
$S |
Left justify |
$L |
Center |
$C |
Right justify |
$R |