Setting up block diagram pages

The File > Page Setup command lets you set properties associated with the printed and previewed page of your diagram. As you choose options in the Page Setup dialog box, a sample of your selections is displayed in the dialog box.

To set up block diagram pages

1.    Choose File > Page Setup.

2.    Do one or more of the following:


Do this

Set page orientation

In the Orientation box, select Portrait or Landscape.

Control margins

Under the Margins box, enter a number to control the distance between diagram elements and the edge of the page. Embed does not display margins unless you have activated Show Printable Area under Edit > Preferences. When activated, margins appear as blue non-printing lines.

Specify paper size and source

Under the Paper box, click the DOWN arrows for Size and Source and make your selections.

Print each level of the diagram on a separate page, and when necessary, reduce diagram text so the level fits on a single page

Activate Fit Diagram to Page. Because Embed prints each level with the minimal reduction possible, the levels of a multi-level diagram may be sized differently.

Print each level using as many pages as necessary to print it without resizing

Activate Tile Printed Pages for Large Diagrams. The margin settings are honored for each page.

Create headers and footers

In the Header or Footer box, enter the text. To view headers and footers, you must be in Print Preview mode.

You can also specify fields to insert information into a header or footer. To access the fields, click the RIGHT ARROW in the Header or Footer box. Field descriptions are listed below.

Using fields in the Header and Footer boxes


Field code

File name


File path


Block path




Integration method




Page number




Step size


Left justify




Right justify
