Voltage Controller

Category: Toolbox > eDrives and Systems > eDrives > Controllers


      freq_n: Normalized frequency reference. Scaled Integer (2.32)

      udc_n: Normalized d-axis voltage reference. Scaled Integer (2.32)

      udc_n: Normalized DC bus voltage. Scaled Integer (2.32)

      cntr_on: Controller enable. (binary input)


      mA_ref: Modulation index reference for phase A duty cycle. Scaled Integer (8.32)

      mB_ref: Modulation index reference for phase B duty cycle. Scaled Integer (8.32)

      mC_ref: Modulation index reference for phase C duty cycle. Scaled Integer (8.32)

Description: The Voltage Controller block uses the reference voltage signals to generate modulation indices for three-phase motor voltages using the Space Vector Modulation technique.

All inputs are divided by their respective full-scale values to derive normalized values. For example, – ud_n = ud_ref/V_fs, where ud_ref is the user input and V_fs is the full-scale voltage.

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Fullscale Current (A): <tbs need description>

Fullscale Freq (Hz): <tbs need description>

Fullscale Voltage (V): <tbs need description>

User voltage ramp (V/s): tbs need description <tbs. Use initial capitalization for each word>

User frequency ranp: <TBS need description> <tbs. Use initial capitalization for each word>

User ramp: Safety limits to avoid sudden jerks in the input values. <not in the dialog box>