Calculate the transmission and reflection for a stepped waveguide transition from the Ku- to X-band. Use two solver
methods, the method of moments (utilising waveguide ports) and the finite element method (utilising FEM modal ports).
Calculate the input impedance of a circularly polarised patch antenna fed through a microstrip branch coupler. Replace
the branch coupler with a non-radiating network and compare with a full solution.
Simple examples demonstrating using continuous frequency range, using the MLFMM for large models, using the LE-PO
(large element physical optics) on subparts of the model and optimising the waveguide pin feed location.
Simple examples demonstrating using Feko application automation, matching circuit generation with Optenni Lab and optimising a bandpass filter with HyperStudy.
Feko is a comprehensive electromagnetic solver with multiple solution methods that is used for electromagnetic field analyses
involving 3D objects of arbitrary shapes.
EDITFEKO is used to construct advanced models (both the geometry and solution requirements) using a high-level scripting language
which includes loops and conditional statements.
One of the key features in Feko is that it includes a broad set of unique and hybridised solution methods. Effective use of Feko features requires an understanding of the available methods.
Feko offers state-of-the-art optimisation engines based on generic algorithm (GA) and other methods, which can be used
to automatically optimise the design and determine the optimum solution.
Feko writes all the results to an ASCII output file .out as well as a binary output file .bof for usage by POSTFEKO. Use the .out file to obtain additional information about the solution.
CADFEKO and POSTFEKO have a powerful, fast, lightweight scripting language integrated into the application allowing you to create
models, get hold of simulation results and model configuration information as well as manipulation of data and automate
repetitive tasks.
Compare the reflection coefficient of the unmatched dipole and the matched
Figure 1. The reflection coefficient of the dipole before and after application
of the feed matching.
Note: The reflection coefficient of the unmatched dipole is close to 0 dB over
the frequency band. Hide the traces for the matched dipole to view the
variation in the reflection coefficient of the unmatched dipole.