Defining a Workplane

Define a workplane to create an oblique plane. Workplanes simplify the process of creating geometry on oblique planes in comparison to using transforms.

The use of workplanes during construction is not compulsory, but is a more efficient method for creating geometry. For this example you will create a custom workplane and set it as the default workplane.
  1. Open the Create workplane dialog using one of the following workflows:
    • On the model tree, a right-click context menu is available on the Workplanes group. Select Add workplane from the drop-down list.

    • On the model tree, click the icon. From the drop-down list, select Add workplane.
    • Press F9 to use the keyboard shortcut.
  2. Click (only once) the Rotate workplane around the V axis icon.

  3. Click Create to create the workplane and to close the dialog.

The default workplane is used when creating new geometry primitives. For this example set the new workplane as the default workplane.

  1. Right-click Workplane1 to open the right-click context menu. Select Set as default from the context menu.

    Note: The default workplane is indicated by the text [Default] in the model tree.