Using the Application Macro

Execute the application macro in POSTFEKO to view | B 1 + | and the ratio | B 1 + | / | B 1 | in the 3D view.

  1. Start with a POSTFEKO session containing at least one model with a near field result.

The model, near field result and values for the ISNR calculation will be used as inputs to the script.

  1. Execute the application macro in POSTFEKO to evaluate the near field results in the open model.
    A new dataset is created that contains the quantities calculated by the script. The dataset is plotted in a new 3D view that also includes a view of the model.
  2. View the magnitude of B 1 + in the 3D view where the dataset is displayed with B1plus selected as the quantity.

    Figure 1. Top view of the magnitude of the complex quantity B 1 + at 300 MHz, highlighting the polarisation efficiency in the region of interest.
    Tip: [Optional] Update this plot to display any of the other calculated quantities or view the data on a graph.
  3. View | B 1 + | / | B 1 | in the 3D view by selecting Ratio as the quantity.

    Figure 2. Top view of the | B 1 + | / | B 1 | ratio at 300 MHz, highlighting the polarisation efficiency in the region of interest.