Computing Distribution Engine
This chapter deals with the general presentation of Computing Distribution Engine (CDE).
The user guide gives information about principles and how to use Altair Flux™ 2022.
See the release notes of the last and previous versions, with the necessary information on new features.
See a list of documents to understand how to use certain features.
The Flux supervisor allows to run projects, examples, pythons scripts; to configure user preferences; to access tools...
Flux is a finite element software for low-frequency electromagnetic and thermal simulations. Both, 2D and 3D solutions are available...
Here is a presentation of the Flux environment; the project management, the data management, the command language, the formulas and mathematical functions.
The construction of a Flux project consists of several stages: Geometry → Mesh → Physics → Resolution → Postprocessing; with the possibility to import a CAD file, a mesh, materials...
This chapter deals with the general presentation of Computing Distribution Engine (CDE).
This chapter deals with the use of the distributed computing in Flux.
This chapter deals with the troubleshooting in the case of problems with the distributed computing.
Flux allows to model different physical phenomena, and includes various applications (magnetic, electrical, thermal and thermal coupled).
Flux is coupled to a circuit context allowing to model the sources of the devices.Flux also allow to model the movement via a kinematic coupling.
Flux is able to couple with several softwares allowing to model mutliphysics phenomena.
Several dedicated couplings are implemented in Flux to, carry out vibro-acoustic studies, magneto-thermal studies and more.
Flux has predefined models for rotating machines via Overlays allowing to describe a geometry, a mesh and a physics adapted to the wished machine.
Flux Skew is a module allowing to facilitate the realization of a quasi 3D or 2 ½ D study starting from a 2D description.
Flux PEEC is a 3D modeling module dedicated to electrical interconnections of power electronics devices. It also provides RLC extraction and generation of SPICE-like equivalent circuits.
Flux provides a unified Material Identification tool based on the Altair Compose environment allowing to run an identification of the coefficients required to create material in Flux.
Flux has a material manager with its own material base.The user can create his own material base and import them into the Flux models to be studied.
FeMt is a application in Flux dedicated for Electric Machine which permits to compute and postprocess results like efficiency maps.
See the lists of examples 2D, 3D, SKEW and PEEC with all available documents and all project and python files.
See the lists of 2D and 3D SimLab examples using the Flux solver, with all available documents, *.slb databases and all script files.
See a list of Memento documents to understand certain Flux features.
Flux proposes several macros enabling doing actions that are not yet implemented in Flux.
This documentation deals with the Jython script used in Flux and allows to understand the various structures of entities and functions, and use it in user scripts for example.
This document provides instructions for Flux installation on supported platforms.
This document guides you through using Computing Distribution Engine.
Flux is a finite element software for low-frequency electromagnetic and thermal simulations. Both, 2D and 3D solutions are available...
The construction of a Flux project consists of several stages: Geometry → Mesh → Physics → Resolution → Postprocessing; with the possibility to import a CAD file, a mesh, materials...
This chapter deals with the general presentation of Computing Distribution Engine (CDE).
This chapter deals with the general presentation of Computing Distribution Engine (CDE).
Copyright (c) 1983-2022. Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not imply publication.