Get memory usage (from first import Acupu).
Return Value
- usage (integer)
- Heap memory usage in chars.
View new features for AcuSolve 2022.
AcuSolve is a leading general purpose CFD solver that is capable of solving the most demanding industrial and scientific applications.
Discover AcuSolve functionality with interactive tutorials.
Introduction of background knowledge regarding flow physics and CFD as well as detailed information about the use of AcuSolve and what specific options do.
Collection of AcuSolve simulation cases for which results are compared against analytical or experimental results to demonstrate the accuracy of AcuSolve results.
AcuSolve command descriptions and corresponding examples.
AcuSolve utility programs covering preparatory and post-processing as well as user-defined functions and utility scripts.
Customization of AcuSolve allowing you to customize certain capabilities of the solver.
Commands of AcuTrace, a particle tracer that runs as a post-processor to or a co-processor with AcuSolve.
Instructions to define additional solution quantities of AcuTrace called user equations.
Instruction of the AcuReport tool, a standalone post-processor batch tool used to generate a report from an AcuSolve solution database.
This module creates the .tex file based on the LaTex formatting system by using various methods that work on the report, such as addFigure, addSection and addTable.
The role of this module is to create an interface to the Acudb module for opening and extracting the last AcuSolve solution database, and transferring its data to the report and plotting them.
This module defines the curve method for drawing an interpolated curve and the plot method that plots the curve(s) into an image file.
The 3D plot part role is used to show and change the 3D visualization view of the problem.
The .rep file may look something like the example shown below.
Each program requires zero or more command-line options to run.
This module defines methods that get data from the database and adds them to the report (.tex) file and are used by the .rep file.
Display, transparency, transparency value, color, visibility, line width and point size of the "Surface actors", "Volume Actors", "PBC Actors", "NBC Actors", "Iso-Surface Actors" and "Cut-Plane Actors" can be set through the following functions.
Below are some useful tags in the LaTex formatting system.
Append a new coordinate/usrIds to the end of an old set. Also, return an inverse map from the new usrIds to the extended vector.
Convert an array to string for printing.
Get an array cksum.
Get the file's cksum value.
Get the center of a set of nodes.
Convert a clean string to a string.
Decrypt a string.
Return a nodal map for duplicate nodes.
Get the average grad-field within each element.
Get the volume of each element.
Encrypt a string.
Get a unique list of nodes in a connectivity array.
Get file counts.
Build and return an inverse map from user number to 0 based index.
Get memory usage (from first import Acupu).
Get all process IDs on the system.
Get an integer from a voidPtr.
Extract the external/feature edges of a surface set.
Split a surface based on angle.
Extract the external surfaces (quad and triangular faces) of an element set.
Map an integer or an array of integers from user to 0 based index.
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Map the faces based on periodicity type.
Merge a new coordinate/usrIds with an old set. Also, return an inverse map from the new usrIds to the extended vector. Merging is performed purely on usrIds. Any node in the new set with the same usrIds in the old array is mapped to the old set.
Get the volume associated with each node.
Reorient the surface connectivity according to the interior element.
Convert a clean string to a string.
Read a file into a set of arrays defined by the format.
Read a Nastran file.
Read an .stl file.
Set program name for internal messages.
Convert a surface to triangle.
Get a set of surface layout information.
Compute the normal directions for the nodes of surface sets.
Convert a string to array.
Convert a string to a clean string.
Convert a string to a clean string.
Map an integer or an array of integers from 0 based index to user IDs.
Get a set of volume layout information.
Write arrays in a file.
Write arrays into EnSight array format.
Write an .stl file.
Instruction of the AcuReport tool, a standalone post-processor batch tool used to generate a report from an AcuSolve solution database.
Get memory usage (from first import Acupu).
Get memory usage (from first import Acupu).
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