
Returns a vector or matrix of values based on the channel name (string), not on the index. Indices will only be used for specifying the range of the returned vector.


readsim(file_name, subcase, type, start_request, end_request, component_list,[start_idx], [end_idx])


The name of the results file from which to read (including full path).
The subcase for the data to be read, specified as a string. Acceptable values are the subcase string (for example, "Subcase 3"), or, if there is no subcase, an empty string ("") or "nosubcase".
The type of data to read, specified as the type string (for example, "Angular Acceleration").
The first data request to read, specified as a string. Acceptable values are:
  • The request string (for example, "Node 5").
  • "firstrequest" for the first request in the request list.
  • "lastrequest" for the last request in the request list.
The last data request to read, specified as a string. Acceptable values are:
  • The request string (for example, "Node 9").
  • "firstrequest" for the first request in the request list.
  • "lastrequest" for the last request in the request list.
  • If there is only one element in the request list, an empty string ("") of "norequest".
The list of components, specified as strings. Acceptable values are the component string(s) from the components list. If only one component is given as the argument, no curly braces ("{}") are necessary (for example, "Res. ang. acc."); if more than one component is given, curly braces around each component name are required (for example, "{Res. ang. acc.} {X-comp*}".
Optional argument. The integer of the zero-based value index. If specified, it will be the start index of the vector extracted from the full value list. A value of 0 corresponds to the first vector value, 1 corresponds to the second vector value, and so on. -1 corresponds to the last value, -2 to the second last, and so on. If this argument is not specified, the full vector will be returned.
Optional argument. The integer of the zero-based end time step index. A value of -1 corresponds to the last value, -2 to the second last, and so on. If this argument is given, all values between the start- and end-indices will be returned.


Template (output value(s) given below each statement):
{f = {getenv("ALTAIR_HOME")} + "/demos/mv_hv_hg/plotting/madymo/ANGACC"}
// The following statement returns the first 5 values of the time vector: 
// 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
// The following statement returns the full time vector:
// 0, 1, 2, 3, …, 148, 149, 150
// The following statement returns the last value of the time vector of the specified channel:
{readsim(f,"","Angular Acceleration","50th% Hybrid3   - LOWER TORSO","50th% Hybrid3   - LOWER TORSO","Res. ang. acc.",-1,-1)}
// 133.543
// The following statement returns the last values for the specified channels:
{readsim(f,"","Angular Acceleration","50th% Hybrid3   - LOWER TORSO","50th% Hybrid3   - UPPER TORSO","Res. ang. acc.",-1,-1)}
// 133.543, 1052.18, 136.853
// The following statement returns the 3x5 matrix of the 5 last values for each of the 3 specified channels (the channels between “50th% Hybrid3   - LOWER TORSO" and "50th% Hybrid3   - UPPER TORSO" in the request list, inclusive:
{readsim(f,"","Angular Acceleration","50th% Hybrid3   - LOWER TORSO","50th% Hybrid3   - UPPER TORSO","Res. ang. acc.",-5,-1)}
// { 156.193, 152.723, 149.615, 142.193, 133.543 }, { 1147.29, 1124.6, 1099.29, 1093.22, 1052.18 }, { 157.844, 149.959, 147.201, 142.499, 136.853 }


All indices are zero-based.

This statement uses any available readers (import templates, external readers, or shared readers) to read the given data file.

The string arguments support the following wildcards: “*” for any number of characters, and “?” for one character.

If multiple matches are possible, an error message is returned to ensure that a unique value is given.

The resulting 2D matrix contains the same number of vectors as the first list given; all the vector values representing the second list are included in each element.