A collection of solution sources.
app = cf.GetApplication() project = app:NewProject() -- Add a plane wave and an electric dipole to the source collection sourceCollection = project.SolutionConfigurations[1].Sources planeWave = sourceCollection:AddPlaneWave(0,0) electricDipole = sourceCollection:AddElectricDipole(cf.Point(0,0,0),0,0) -- Remove the plane wave and electric dipole from the source collection sourceCollection:Item(planeWave.Label):Delete() electricDipole:Delete()
Usage locations (collections)
The following objects contain the SourceCollection collection:
Property List
Method List
- AddCurrentSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a current source on the specified FEM line port terminal. (Returns a CurrentSource object.)
- AddCurrentSource (properties table)
- Create a current source using the table of properties. (Returns a CurrentSource object.)
- AddElectricDipole (position Coordinate, theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create an electric dipole. (Returns a ElectricDipole object.)
- AddElectricDipole (properties table)
- Create an electric dipole source using the table of properties. (Returns a ElectricDipole object.)
- AddFEMModalSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a FEM modal source on the specified terminal. (Returns a FEMModalSource object.)
- AddFEMModalSource (properties table)
- Create a FEM modal source using the table of properties. (Returns a FEMModalSource object.)
- AddFarFieldSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a far field source from the specified field data. (Returns a FarFieldSource object.)
- AddFarFieldSource (properties table)
- Create a far field source using the table of properties. (Returns a FarFieldSource object.)
- AddImpressedCurrent (start Coordinate, end Coordinate, radius Expression)
- Create an impressed current. (Returns a ImpressedCurrent object.)
- AddImpressedCurrent (properties table)
- Create an impressed current using the table of properties. (Returns a ImpressedCurrent object.)
- AddMagneticDipole (position Coordinate, theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create a magnetic dipole. (Returns a MagneticDipole object.)
- AddMagneticDipole (properties table)
- Create a magnetic dipole source using the table of properties. (Returns a MagneticDipole object.)
- AddNearFieldSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a near field source from the specified field data. (Returns a NearFieldSource object.)
- AddNearFieldSource (properties table)
- Create a near field source using the table of properties. (Returns a NearFieldSource object.)
- AddPCBSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a PCB source from the specified field data. (Returns a PCBSource object.)
- AddPCBSource (properties table)
- Create a PCB source using the table of properties. (Returns a PCBSource object.)
- AddPlaneWave (theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create a plane wave. (Returns a PlaneWave object.)
- AddPlaneWave (properties table)
- Create a plane wave using the table of properties. (Returns a PlaneWave object.)
- AddSolutionCoefficientSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a solution coefficient source from the specified field data. (Returns a SolutionCoefficientSource object.)
- AddSolutionCoefficientSource (properties table)
- Create a solution coefficient source using the table of properties. (Returns a SolutionCoefficientSource object.)
- AddSphericalModesSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a spherical modes source from the specified field data. (Returns a SphericalModesSource object.)
- AddSphericalModesSource (properties table)
- Create a spherical modes source using the table of properties. (Returns a SphericalModesSource object.)
- AddVoltageSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a voltage source on the specified terminal. (Returns a VoltageSource object.)
- AddVoltageSource (properties table)
- Create a voltage source using the table of properties. (Returns a VoltageSource object.)
- AddWaveguideSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a waveguide source on the specified waveguide port terminal. (Returns a WaveguideSource object.)
- AddWaveguideSource (properties table)
- Create a waveguide source using the table of properties. (Returns a WaveguideSource object.)
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label. (Returns a boolean object.)
- Item (index number)
- Returns the SolutionEntity at the given index. (Returns a SolutionEntity object.)
- Item (label string)
- Returns the SolutionEntity with the given label. (Returns a SolutionEntity object.)
- Items ()
- Returns a table of SolutionEntity. (Returns a List of SolutionEntity object.)
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of of the provided base name.If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated. (Returns a boolean object.)
Index List
- [number]
- Returns the SolutionEntity at the given index in the collection. (Read SolutionEntity)
- [string]
- Returns the SolutionEntity with the given name in the collection. (Read SolutionEntity)
Property Details
Method Details
- AddCurrentSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a current source on the specified FEM line port terminal.
- Input Parameters
- portterminal(TerminalType)
- The FEM line port terminal on which the current source should be created.
- Return
- CurrentSource
- The current source.
- AddCurrentSource (properties table)
- Create a current source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- CurrentSource
- The current source.
- AddElectricDipole (position Coordinate, theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create an electric dipole.
- Input Parameters
- position(Coordinate)
- The dipole position.
- theta(Expression)
- The theta orientation angle (degrees).
- phi(Expression)
- The phi orientation angle (degrees).
- Return
- ElectricDipole
- The electric dipole source.
- AddElectricDipole (properties table)
- Create an electric dipole source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- ElectricDipole
- The electric dipole.
- AddFEMModalSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a FEM modal source on the specified terminal.
- Input Parameters
- portterminal(TerminalType)
- The FEM modal port terminal on which the FEM modal source should be created.
- Return
- FEMModalSource
- The FEM modal source.
- AddFEMModalSource (properties table)
- Create a FEM modal source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- FEMModalSource
- The FEM modal source.
- AddFarFieldSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a far field source from the specified field data.
- Input Parameters
- fielddata(FieldData)
- The field data that defines the radiation pattern.
- Return
- FarFieldSource
- The far field source.
- AddFarFieldSource (properties table)
- Create a far field source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- FarFieldSource
- The far field source.
- AddImpressedCurrent (start Coordinate, end Coordinate, radius Expression)
- Create an impressed current.
- Input Parameters
- start(Coordinate)
- The segment current start point.
- end(Coordinate)
- The segment current end point.
- radius(Expression)
- The impressed current radius.
- Return
- ImpressedCurrent
- The impressed current.
- AddImpressedCurrent (properties table)
- Create an impressed current using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- ImpressedCurrent
- The impressed current.
- AddMagneticDipole (position Coordinate, theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create a magnetic dipole.
- Input Parameters
- position(Coordinate)
- The dipole position.
- theta(Expression)
- The theta orientation angle (degrees).
- phi(Expression)
- The phi orientation angle (degrees).
- Return
- MagneticDipole
- The magnetic dipole.
- AddMagneticDipole (properties table)
- Create a magnetic dipole source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- MagneticDipole
- The magnetic dipole source.
- AddNearFieldSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a near field source from the specified field data.
- Input Parameters
- fielddata(FieldData)
- The field data that defines the near field source.
- Return
- NearFieldSource
- The near field source.
- AddNearFieldSource (properties table)
- Create a near field source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- NearFieldSource
- The near field source.
- AddPCBSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a PCB source from the specified field data.
- AddPCBSource (properties table)
- Create a PCB source using the table of properties.
- AddPlaneWave (theta Expression, phi Expression)
- Create a plane wave.
- Input Parameters
- theta(Expression)
- The theta direction (degrees).
- phi(Expression)
- The phi direction (degrees).
- Return
- PlaneWave
- The plane wave.
- AddPlaneWave (properties table)
- Create a plane wave using the table of properties.
- AddSolutionCoefficientSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a solution coefficient source from the specified field data.
- Input Parameters
- fielddata(FieldData)
- The field data that defines the solution coefficient.
- Return
- SolutionCoefficientSource
- The solution coefficient source.
- AddSolutionCoefficientSource (properties table)
- Create a solution coefficient source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- SolutionCoefficientSource
- The solution coefficient source.
- AddSphericalModesSource (fielddata FieldData)
- Create a spherical modes source from the specified field data.
- Input Parameters
- fielddata(FieldData)
- The field data that defines the spherical modes.
- Return
- SphericalModesSource
- The spherical modes source.
- AddSphericalModesSource (properties table)
- Create a spherical modes source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- SphericalModesSource
- The spherical modes source.
- AddVoltageSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a voltage source on the specified terminal.
- Input Parameters
- portterminal(TerminalType)
- The terminal on which the voltage source should be created.
- Return
- VoltageSource
- The voltage source.
- AddVoltageSource (properties table)
- Create a voltage source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- VoltageSource
- The voltage source.
- AddWaveguideSource (portterminal TerminalType)
- Create a waveguide source on the specified waveguide port terminal.
- Input Parameters
- portterminal(TerminalType)
- The waveguide port terminal on which the waveguide source should be created.
- Return
- WaveguideSource
- The waveguide source.
- AddWaveguideSource (properties table)
- Create a waveguide source using the table of properties.
- Input Parameters
- properties(table)
- The table of properties.
- Return
- WaveguideSource
- The waveguide source.
- Contains (label string)
- Checks if the collection contains an item with the given label.
- Item (index number)
- Returns the SolutionEntity at the given index.
- Input Parameters
- index(number)
- The index of the SolutionEntity.
- Return
- SolutionEntity
- The SolutionEntity at the given index.
- Item (label string)
- Returns the SolutionEntity with the given label.
- Input Parameters
- label(string)
- The label of the SolutionEntity.
- Return
- SolutionEntity
- The SolutionEntity with the given label.
- Items ()
- Returns a table of SolutionEntity.
- Return
- List of SolutionEntity
- A table of SolutionEntity.
- UniqueName (label string)
- Generates a unique name base of of the provided base name.If the base name already exists in the collection, a digit will be appended until a valid name is generated.