
MotionSolve Pythonインターフェースでは、高度なモデリング要素を作成し、使用できます。以下の例で詳しく説明します。以下の例は、MotionSolve Pythonインターフェースを使用しなくても行えますが、その場合、作成も使用も難しくなります。





from msolve import * 

class ButterworthFilter (Composite):
このクラス内で、必要なプロパティを割り当てることができます。このインスタンス内で、1 ≤ order ≤ 4という範囲のorder(デフォルト値は3)を持つフィルタを作成します。当然ながら、処理対象となる入力信号と結果を戻すための出力信号も必要です。このため、プロパティを持つこのクラスは次のようになります:
from msolve import * 

class ButterworthFilter (Composite):
inputSignal = Function()
outputSignal = Function ()
order = Int (3)


  • createChildren: その複合クラスで必要なすべてのMotionSolveエンティティを作成するために使用されます。複合クラスオブジェクトが作成されると、createChildrenメソッドが呼び出されます。この呼び出しは、複合オブジェクトの作成時に一度だけ行われます。createChildren内で、さまざまなMotionSolveオブジェクトをインスタンス化し、これらのオブジェクトの不変のプロパティを定義します。
  • updateChildren: このクラスのすべての変更可能なプロパティを定義するために使用されます。例えば、Butterworthフィルタの係数はそのフィルタの次数に依存します。同様に、処理対象の入力信号を変更できます。updateChildrenメソッドは、フィルタの次数と入力信号を定義します。これらをcreateChildrenメソッドで定義することもできますが、これはオプションです。
  • validateSelf: 入力をチェックして、ButterworthFilterオブジェクトに渡されたデータが物理的に意味があることを確認します。
from msolve import * 

class ButterworthFilter (Composite):
 """The Butterworth filter is a type of signal processing filter designed to have 
 as flat a frequency response as possible in the passband. It is also referred 
 to as a maximally flat magnitude filter and it is generally used to eliminate 
 high frequency content from an input signal.
inputSignal = Function ()
outputSignal = Function ()
order = Int (3)

 #- topology ----------------------------------------------------------------

def createChildren (self):
 """This method is called once when the object is created. It is used to
 define all the 'immutable' properties of the class. The Butterworth
 filter consists of the following:
 * A string containing the function expression defining the input signal
 * A VARIABLE that defines the input signal
 * A TFSISO that captures the input to output relationship
 * An ARRAY of type 'X' to hold the internal states of the TFSISO
 * An ARRAY of type 'Y' to hold the output from TFSISO
 * An ARRAY of type 'U' to hold the input signal to the TFSISO
 * A string that defines the function expression to access the output
self.var = Variable (function=self.inputSignal)
x = Array (type="X")
y = Array (type="Y")
u = Array (type="U", size=1, variables=[self.var])
num = [1]
den = [1, 2, 2, 1]
self.tf = Tfsiso (label="Butterworth Filter", x=x, y=y, u=u, numerator=num,
self.outputSignal = "ARYVAL({id},1)".format(id=y.id)
#- Update Children -----------------------------------------------------------
def updateChildren (self):
 """This is called when the property value changes to propagate the change
 to the child objects
self.var.function = self.inputSignal
if self.order == 1:
self.tf.denominator = [1, 1]
elif self.order == 2:
self.tf.denominator = [1, math.sqrt(2), 1]
elif self.order == 3:
self.tf.denominator = [1, 2, 2, 1]
elif self.order == 4:
self.tf.denominator = [1, 2.6131, 3.4142, 2.6131, 1]
 #- validate ----------------------------------------------------------------
def validateSelf (self, validator):
validator.checkGe ("order", 1)
validator.checkLe ("order", 4)


## The Model ################################################################
def butterworthFilter ():

m = Model ()
Units (mass="KILOGRAM",length="MILLIMETER", time="SECOND", force="NEWTON")
Accgrav (jgrav=-9800)
Integrator (error=1e-7)
ground = Part (ground=True)
 # Mass
block = Part (mass=1.4702,ip=[44144.717,44144.717,73.5132,0,0,0])
block.cm = Marker (part=block, qp=[0,10,0], zp=[0,11,0])
 # Translational joint
jjm = Marker (part=ground, qp=[0,0,0], zp=[0,1,0])
jnt = Joint (type="TRANSLATIONAL", i=block.cm, j=jjm)
 # Nonlinear Spring-damper
fexp = "-10*(DY({i},{j})-10)**3  -1e-3*VR({i},{j})".format(i=block.cm.id, j=jjm.id)
nlspdp = Sforce (type="TRANSLATION", i=block.cm, j=jjm, function=fexp)

 # Impulse force
iforce = "STEP(TIME, 1, 0, 1.04, 10) *STEP(TIME, 1.05, 10, 1.1, 0)"
sfim = Marker (part=block, qp=[0,10,0], zp=[0,11,0])
impulse = Sforce (type="TRANSLATION", actiononly=True, i=sfim, j=jjm, function=iforce)

 # Filter
inputSignal = "VY({i}, {j})".format(i=block.cm.id, j=jjm.id)
m.filt = ButterworthFilter (inputSignal=inputSignal, order=1)

 # Requests
m.r1 = Request (type="DISPLACEMENT", i=block.cm, j=jjm)
m.r2 = Request (type="VELOCITY", i=block.cm, j=jjm)
m.r3 = Request (type="ACCELERATION", i=block.cm, j=jjm)
m.r4 = Request (type="FORCE", i=block.cm, j=jjm)
m.r5 = Request (f2=m.filt.inputSignal, f3=m.filt.outputSignal)
m.r6 = Request (type="FORCE", i=sfim, j=jjm)
return m
## Entry Point ################################################################
if __name__ == "__main__":
m = butterworthFilter ("butterworth-1")
m.simulate (type="DYNAMICS", end=5, dtout=0.005)
m = butterworthFilter ("butterworth-2")
m.filt.order = 2
m.simulate (type="DYNAMICS", end=5, dtout=.005)

図 1.

図 2.



help (ButterworthFilter)
Assuming this is file mymodule.py, then this string, being the
first statement in the file, will become the "mymodule" module's
docstring when the file is imported.
class MyClass(object):
   """The class's docstring"""
   def my_method(self):
       """The method's docstring"""
def my_function():
   """The function's docstring"""


摩擦は、多くの工学システムで発生する自然現象です。摩擦モデルには、非連続性、ヒステリシス、内部力学、クーロン摩擦などのさまざまな非線形特性が含まれています。これらの特性により、摩擦モデルは数値的に硬くなり、複雑な計算が必要となります。LuGre (Lundt-Grenoble)摩擦モデルは、文献でよく知られています。このモデルは、いくつかの異なる効果を表すことができます:
  • 動摩擦
  • 静摩擦またはクーロン摩擦
  • 速度依存の摩擦現象(変化する最大静止摩擦力や摩擦遅延など)
  • VS= 静摩擦から動摩擦への遷移速度
  • MUS = 静摩擦係数
  • MUD = 動摩擦係数
  • K0 = ブリッスル剛性
  • K1 = ブリッスル減衰
  • K2 = 粘性係数
  • V = VZ (I, J, J, J)
## ジョイント内の速度
  • P = -(v/VS)**2
## ストライベック係数
  • N = sqrt (FX(I, J, J)**2 + FY(I,J,J)**2)
## 垂直抗力
  • Fc = Mud*N
## クーロン摩擦
  • Fs = Mus*N
## 静摩擦
  • G = (Fc + (Fs-Fc)*eP)/K0
  • z ˙ = v - |v|*z / G
## ブリッスルたわみzを定義するODE
  • F = -(K0*z + K1*zdot + K2*v)
## 摩擦力
  • A DIFF defining the bristle deflection
  • A FORCE defining the friction element
from msolve import * 
## LuGre Friction Element######################################################
class LuGre (Composite):
 Create a friction force on a translational joint using the LuGre friction model.
 The LuGre friction force consists of 4 atomic elements:
 1. A DIFF defining the bristle deflection
 2. A MARKER defining the point of action of the friction force
 3. A FORCE defining the friction element
 4. A REQUEST capturing the friction force on the block
joint = Reference (Joint)
vs = Double (1.E-3)
mus = Double (0.3)
mud = Double (0.2)
k0 = Double (1e5)
k1 = Double (math.sqrt(1e5))
k2 = Double (0.4)
 #- topology----------------------------------------------------------------
def createChildren (self):
 """This is called when the object is created so the children objects
# The DIFF defining bristle deflection
self.diff = Diff (routine=self.lugre_diff, ic=[0,0])
# The MARKER on which the friction force acts
self.im = Marker ()
# The FORCE defining the friction force
self.friction = Sforce (type="TRANSLATION", actiononly=True,
# The REQUEST capturing the friction force
self.request = Request (type="FORCE", comment="Friction force")
 #- Update Children -----------------------------------------------------------
def updateChildren (self):
 """This is called when the property value changes to propagate the change
 to the child objects
self.friction.i = self.joint.i
self.friction.j = self.joint.j
self.im.setValues (body=self.joint.i.body, qp=self.joint.i.qp, zp=self.joint.i.zp)
self.request.setValues (i=self.im, j=self.joint.j, rm=self.joint.j)
 #- validate ----------------------------------------------------------------
def validateSelf (self, validator):
validator.checkGe0 ("VS")
validator.checkGe0 ("MUS")
validator.checkGe0 ("MUD")
validator.checkGe0 ("K0")
validator.checkGe0 ("K1")
validator.checkGe0 ("K2")
if self.mud > self.mus:
msg = tr("Mu dynamic({0}) must be <= Mu static ({1})",
         self.mud, self.mus)
 #- Lugre Diff ------------------------------------------------------------
def lugre_diff (self, id, time, par, npar, dflag, iflag):
 "Diff user function"
i = self.joint.i
j = self.joint.j
vs = self.vs
mus = self.mus
mud = self.mud
k0 = self.k0
z = DIF(self)
v = VZ(i,j,j,j)
N = math.sqrt (FX(i,j,j)**2 + FY(i,j,j)**2)
fs = mus*N
fc = mud*N
p = -(v/vs)**2
g = (fc + (fs - fc) * math .exp(p))/k0
if iflag or math.fabs(g) <1e-8:
return v
return v - math.fabs(v) * z / g
 #- friction_force -----------------------------------------------------------
def lugre_force (self, id, time, par, npar, dflag, iflag):
 "Friction Force user function"
i = self.joint.i
j = self.joint.j
diff = self.diff
k0 = self.k0
k1 = self.k1
k2 = self.k2
v = VZ (i,j,j,j)
z = DIF (diff)
zdot = DIF1 (diff)
F = k0*z + k1*zdot + k2*v
return -F