
Model ElementCvsf defines a higher pair constraint.

Class Name



A curve on one body slides on a surface that is fixed to a second body. The curve is not allowed to lift off the surface.

Attribute Summary

Name Property Modifiable by command? Designable?
id Int ()    
label Str ()    
curve Reference ("Curve") Yes Yes
surface Reference ("Surface") Yes Yes
irm Reference ("Marker") Yes Yes
jrm Reference ("Marker")   Yes
idisp Double ([0,0,0], count=3)   FD Only
jdisp Double ([0,0,0], count=3)   FD Only
no_slip Bool ()    
active Bool () Yes  


Cvsf (irm=objMarker, curve=objCurve, jrm=objMarker, surface=objSurface, optional_attributes)


Reference to an existing Marker
Specifies a marker that serves as the coordinate system for the definition of the curve. The curve is fixed to the body containing this marker and moves with this body. The body containing the surface can be flexible, rigid or point body.
The irm attribute is mandatory.
Reference to an existing Curve
Specifies the curve that contains the curve data points.
This attribute is mandatory.
Reference to an existing Marker
Specifies a marker that defines the coordinate system in which the surface points are defined. The surface is fixed to the body containing this marker and moves rigidly with this body. The body containing the surface can be flexible, rigid or point body.
This attribute is mandatory.
Reference to an existing Surface
Specifies the surface that contains the surface data points.
This attribute is mandatory.
Specifies the element identification number. This number must be unique among all the CVSF objects in the model.
This attribute is optional. MotionSolve will automatically create an ID when one is not specified.
Range of values: id > 0
Specifies the name of the CVSF object.
This attribute is optional. When not specified, MotionSolve will create a label for you.
List of 3 Doubles or a Location object
Defines a guess for the initial contact point on the curve. The coordinates are measured with respect to irm and are defined in its coordinate system. MotionSolve uses idisp as the starting point for an iterative calculation to determine the exact values for the initial contact point on the curve.
This attribute is optional.
List of 3 Doubles or a Location object
Defines a guess for the initial contact point on the surface. The coordinates are measured with respect to jrm and are defined in its coordinate system. MotionSolve uses jdisp as the starting point for an iterative calculation to determine the exact values for the initial contact point on the curve.
This attribute is optional.
Indicates if slipping is allowed along the curve
Select one from TRUE or FALSE.
  • TRUE indicates that the element is active in the model and it affects the behavior of the system
  • FALSE indicates that the element is inactive in the model and it does not affect the behavior of the system. It is almost as if the entity was removed from the model, of course with the exception that can be turned "ON" when desirable.
The attribute active is optional. When not specified, active defaults to TRUE.


1. Create a CVSF constraint object; then set the initial contact points on the curve and surface.
cvsf = Cvsf (irm=refCurve1, curve=curve1, jrm=refSurface1, surface=surface1, label="CVSF Joint")
cvsf.idisp = [0.2, 50.8, 0.1]
cvsf.jdisp = [0.3, 32.1, 1.1]


  1. See Properties for an explanation about what properties are, why they are used, and how you can extend these.
  2. For a more detailed explanation about CVSF, see Constraint: CVSF.